In my project I'm using valyala/fasthttp to serve HTTP requests. I'm almost
finish project and now want to write functional tests to test all project
endpoints and be sure that everything works fine and without problems.
Could someone know how to do that in case of valyala/fasthttp? I know that
I can't run debug mode under Visual Studio Code. Everything seems
configure well, but no answer from the delve. I can run Debug and I can see
that delve process ruined, but no activity under Visual Studio Code. Can
someone help with that?
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Problem seems to solved. Who interested in that check please my happy path
пятница, 12 августа 2016 г., 22:32:32 UTC+3 пользователь Dmitriy Suhinin
> I can't run debug mode under Visual
I have next field DefaultAccountID bson.ObjectId `bson:"default_account_id"`
Sometimes I have a case when I need to save inside this files valid
ObjectId but from the other side I need to reset this field to the empty
value or just remove it or something like this. If I specify emitempty