In windows platform, path.Dir and path.Base can't get the correct result.
The test code is like this:
func main() {
filename := "F:\\Test\\conf\\rkc1"
i := strings.LastIndex(filename, string(filepath.Separator))
fmt.Println("dir1:", string(filename[:i+1]))
Package "filepath" works well, but the "path" package is not recommended ?
在 2016年6月20日星期一 UTC+8下午1:40:55,徐新华写道:
> Package path implements utility routines for manipulating
> slash-separated(/) paths.
> So, you should use "path/filepath"
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OK, i get it
在 2016年6月21日星期二 UTC+8上午9:46:09,Ian Lance Taylor写道:
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 5:59 PM, < > wrote:
> > Package "filepath" works well, but the "path" package is not recommended
> ?
> The path package is for slash-separated packages such as appear in URLs.
> The
I using gdb for debugging, and set a variable new value , then failed.
look this screen:
(gdb) whatis tokenId
type = struct string
(gdb) set tokenId="ab"
Invalid cast.
GO in gdb is not supported a memory value change?
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