[go-nuts] Re: error handling thoughts

2023-07-27 Thread Steve Roth
The warning that I described is one presented by Visual Studio Code with the vscode-go extension. Color me stupid for having simply assumed it came from the compiler. Based on responses to this thread, I looked more closely, and found that Mr. Wagner is correct: it's coming from golint. I see t

Re: [go-nuts] Re: error handling thoughts

2023-07-27 Thread 'Axel Wagner' via golang-nuts
It's not a compiler error, but OP is probably referring to golint. FWIW I also prefer the `if v, err := fn(); err != nil { … }` form, in general, but in cases like these I just write v, err := fn() if err != nil { // handle error and return } // do thing with v I honestly don't see a huge pro

[go-nuts] Re: error handling thoughts

2023-07-27 Thread Stephen Illingworth
Hi Steve, What's the compiler error that you're seeing? Here's a go playground example of your scenario. It doesn't seem to cause any issues but maybe I'm misunderstanding. https://go.dev/play/p/vvtrQTl7FSr Regards, Stephen On Thursday, 27 July 2023 at 16:04:19 UTC+1 Steve Roth wrote: > The