Hi Roger,
Thank you for sharing how you have solved the problem in the past and the
problems you have had. As I see it, my proposal would solve your
problem perfectly in many cases without the need to keep track of anything.
If you like it, it may be helpful to express your support:
On Sat, 30 Jan 2021 at 20:12, Christian Worm Mortensen wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thank you for your consideration. I think you exactly got the essence of
> my question: How do I wait on all go routines to finish (or be blocked on
> one or more channels) before advancing time.
This is an interestin
I ended up creating an issue on this:
On Sat, Jan 30, 2021 at 9:12 PM Christian Worm Mortensen
> Hi Mike,
> Thank you for your consideration. I think you exactly got the essence of
> my question: How do I wait on all go routines to finish (or
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your consideration. I think you exactly got the essence of my
question: How do I wait on all go routines to finish (or be blocked on one
or more channels) before advancing time.
A key thing I would like from such a solution is that it does not require
too heavy modification
Volker: injecting sleep is a nice idea, in the general vein that Jesper
said of injecting time. However, as soon as we zoom out a step and need to
test both that generator and the goroutine(s) consuming and acting upon
that channel activity, we get back to the essence of the original question:
One way to do this is have an internal implementation like
func generatorImpl(sleep func(time.Duration)) <-chan int
and func generator just calls that one with time.Sleep.
Tests are done against generatorImpl where you know have
detailed control of how much (typically none) time is
actually slept.
Hi Amnon,
Thank you for your suggestion. I have taken a look at the package but it
does not seem to really work. It seems to rely on runtime.Gosched() to
suspend the current go routine until all other go routines are blocked.
That is, it relies on runtime.Gosched() to provide functionality simila
Try something like
On Thursday, 28 January 2021 at 21:15:50 UTC Christian Worm Mortensen wrote:
> Hi!
> Suppose I want to unit test this function:
> func generator() <-chan int {
> ret := make(chan int)
> go func() {
> for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
> ret <- i
> time.