Gin does this directly. There is nothing complicated it does. Something
group := engine.Group("/service/v1")
group.GET("user/:id", handler)
And then in the handler:
id := c.Param("id")
And the rest is what ever is yours. "engine" is a gin engine and 'c' is a
gin context.
On Thu, Oct
stdlib only with upcoming 1.22 which isn't yet released, see
gorilla mux is another 3rd party muxer with variable support
the "best" way using only stdlib mux is to parse the path and extract
I'm not sure what the best way is.
But I think you can refer to the existing solutions. For example gin, mux.
在2023年10月19日星期四 UTC+8 19:27:59 写道:
> Hi everyone. I'm building an api with net/http and I'm having trouble
> with url