Please attacted is app files (unnecessary codes deleted). I don’t if I
could made mode simpler
but this is how am able let you identify the problem am encountering when I
run this code.
I tried to print the request header and body and this is what am getting
&{{ObjectIdHex("") 0 0 []
Am new in golang and am trying to write an API but my request header and
body is always empty.
Well, that's a *lot* of code. Please trim it so it forms a SSCCE
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"golang-nuts" group.
Am new in golang and am trying to write an API but my request header and
body is always empty.
I need help on how to solve this Please.
Thanks in advance.
// Model
type NfInstance struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:"nfInstanceID"
bson:"_id,omitempty"` //`json:"nfinstanceI