If you want to identify goroutines at runtime, you can find in the
attachments patches for Golang 1.10 to allow to assign a name to a
These are patches against Golang 1.10 because I have been using the gccgo
runtime that comes with GCC 8.4.
This could help you forward for what you want
On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 9:36 AM Durga Someswararao G
> Is it possible to get goroutine id when we creted?
> Is it possible to get goroutines count while we creating?
> Is it possible to terminate a goroutine based on ID like if any goroutine has
> infinite loops?
> Is it possible to clean
Can some one help for below queries
Is it possible to get goroutine id when we creted?
Is it possible to get goroutines count while we creating?
Is it possible to terminate a goroutine based on ID like if any goroutine
has infinite loops?
Is it possible to clean up memory of variable like we