I can only recommend
https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/oauth2/clientcredentials?tab=doc if you are
implementing that.
Configure clientcredentials.Config and use the http.Client returned by the
Client method of that Config to do all your http calls.
It manages all the token refreshing automatical
Easy, Store the expired time in the token, and hash them.
When the expired time almost reach, use the old token to get a new token.
> On Mar 12, 2020, at 09:25, Renato Marcandier
> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> do you have any HelloWorld project in GO using RESTful to issue HTTP requests
> from wi
Hello guys,
do you have any HelloWorld project in GO using RESTful to issue HTTP
requests from within a Golang application to remote RESTful/API with web
token that expires every 60 minutes and then consume any data that is
I am trying to get a simple HelloWorld. First, I need to do a P