Your best bet here in my opinion is to have an intermediate object that
contains type information which you Unmarshal into first to get the
concrete type. Then, you have a switch to Unmarshal the remainder of the
object into the real deal. We did a similar mechanic to this on Dock
Yes ideally I would like end users to be able to "click a button" and get the
file to send to us without necessarily needing for them to have socat or Go
toolchain installed. There are some existing Go programs that I might be able
to embed the functionality in which is why I considered using t
Hi all,
I am interested in doing performance profiling on the Docker daemon using
the existing pprof tools and/or code inside of the internal packages of
commands, and I was hoping to get some guidance on the challenges I've
encountered attempting this.
The Docker daemon (a Go program) exposes