Thank you a lot, Diego!
I decided to implement this exatctly as you said (one goroutine for list of
pairs user:location), and this is much more correct.
понедельник, 20 февраля 2017 г., 4:27:10 UTC+3 пользователь Diego Medina
> Hi,
> Instead of starting them from an http handler,
Thanks for your answer!
Am I right, when starting goroutine like this? (With infinite loop inside
goroutine function)
func (ctl *Controller) startWatchUserLocation(username, location string) {
for {
data, err := ctl.ScrapeRoomsWithLocation(username, location) <-
scraping info f
Hello. I apologize in advance for my bad english.
I've created simple training service in golang, which supports login and
registration system with MongoDB. This service allows you to scrape rooms
for rent in London in specified location if you loggedin. So, now I want to
implement notificati