The way I do it in VS Code is to do something like this from the repo root:
# Get the dev version of Go into PATH for the editor and local dev work
$ export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH
# Build a baseline version of go and save it to restore if things break, or
for comparison
$ (cd src; GOGC=off ./
>> will *also* need to retract version v1.0.1.
> I wonder if Jay or someone else could clarify the v2.0.0+incompatible case?
> On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 06:21, Zik Aeroh wrote:
>> Unless I'm mistaken, you should be retracting "v2.0.0+incompatible"
Unless I'm mistaken, you should be retracting "v2.0.0+incompatible", as
that's the actual version known to the Go tool. Retracting "v2.0.0" would
be valid if you were retracting in the ""
module, which it sounds like you aren't.
You wouldn't want to publish v2.0.1 t
All replaces are disallowed when using "go install" with a version number,
regardless of what kind they are; see, specifically the sections about
I have a tool I'm currently rewriting that manages $GOBIN via a config
file; I'm relying on "go