[go-nuts] secure oauth2 token set-up , storage & refresh for CLI tools

2024-11-22 Thread Tony M
Is there a library or reference-implementation for oauth token set-up, storage & refresh in golang. For example, my implementation is similar to the send-gmail tool by google (transforms sendmail CLI to gmail smtp requests, authenticated with oauth) https://github.com/google/gmail-oauth2-too

Re: [go-nuts] strip / reduce module compile size

2024-06-17 Thread Tony M
Are there other tools that may show the final size? I'd like to see if there are more aggressive flags to strip unused code? It's a simple module, with some grpc (protobuf), http . I don't believe all these code paths are in scope for my 200 LOC On Friday, June 14, 2024 at 6:20:37 PM UTC-7 Dan

[go-nuts] strip / reduce module compile size

2024-06-14 Thread Tony M
Thank you to github.com/jondot/goweight I was able to determine the compiled module sizes (below). Heavy hitters are net/http & protobufs, among 100+ others . Total compile size is 22MB . Are there any tools or flags that can help strip or reduce some of the compiled code from these modules?

[go-nuts] Re: Offline version of A Tour of Go

2024-04-24 Thread Tony M
thanks this was helpful. Is there a good rule of thumb when updating old "go get" instructions. e.g. Go Tour (googlesource.com)

[go-nuts] net.Listen -- How to listen to ipv6 & ipv4 local-loopback BUT NOT external interfaces

2024-01-10 Thread Tony M
How do I listen on all* local / loopback* ipv4 /ipv6 interfaces? net.Listen('tcp', ':') listens on all interfaces. For my application (oauth token listener) I only want to listen to local / loopback go doc Net.listen: * if the host in the address parameter is empty or a literalunspec