I was just showing my lang to people and someone said "What do Charm's FFI
capabilities look like? It sounds like it would be pretty well suited for
writing wrappers that provide APIs for existing software, so an excellent
FFI would be nice."
Well, that's still a little way down my todo list b
reviations, how good one's memory is, how
fast one types, etc. Personally I find I just mess up less since I've
learned to be more verbose.
On Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 9:00:49 AM UTC-8 david@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 6:21 AM Tim Hardcastle
> wrote:
Agree with Rudolf on point 2. Long meaningful variable/function names are
good. Comments become obsolete, they become detached from their code,
they're only used to explain the name of the variable once and then you're
left with something than reads
// urn contains the userlist
fxn := rx (frn)
It's very well-explained and the code's easy to read. And you can build on
it. I've been able to modify his code to my language spec, use syntactic
whitespace instead of braces, utf8 instead of ASCII, my idea of how
continuations should work, line numbers in error messages, the ability to
How's it going? I'd just like to talk with someone who's doing the same
thing, it's kind of a lonely hobby.
I'm just about to start on the actual interpreter, I've got my lexer and
parser working, and I also have a thing called a "relexer" which is kind of
an elegant kludge that makes syntactic