>From what I recall gobot uses sysfs bases GPIO driver that writes to
/sys/class/gpio/* (using mmaped GPIOs is another way) using standard file
io. If I am you, I would start with simply using the digitalinput or button
driver (https://godoc.org/gobot.io/x/gobot/drivers/gpio) straight. I think
Awesom effort Rob. Thank you for all the work you put in for gocv and
On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 12:57 AM Ron Evans wrote:
> Hello, fellow gophers
> Just wanted to let you know that the new version of GoCV (https://gocv.io)
> is out, now with support for Tensorflow, Caffe, and much more.
Forgot to mention, gobot, embd all are fairly good bindings. For most thing
Pi related you can you can do straight I/O againsgt sysfs. Gobot provides
decent i2c & spi based sensor/breakout board bindings, while embd provides
most popular adafruit breakout board drivers (i2c/spi).
Several other sens
Is there anything specific you are looking for ? I extensively use go on pi
and pretty much everything is very similar, i develop on my mac book and CI
cluster deploys it. On non arm arch, its just as simple as setting up
GOARCH and GOARM variables... thats all
I have a whole build/ci stack as wel
I'll ditto what Jesper said. Go's stdlib is fairly stable and coherent.
YAML library does not support encoder/decoder that you can use with
arbitrary io.Reader/Writers to marshall/unmarshall stuff.
YAML as a spec if very messy. It allows embedding variables which has been
exploited to hack backend