> If I know that a value exists, or am fine using the zero value (again,
> that's the majority of my personal use-cases for maps at least), having to
> use a statement just to discard the extra bool is annoying.
Right, so this brings me back to a nice solution to both our use cases,
hat panicking on a non-existent key is better -
>> either in general, or in the majority of cases. Personally, I don't think I
>> encountered many use-cases where the zero-value wasn't the perfect thing to
>> use. I'm not saying your use-case doesn't exist
I'm very new to Go - apologies in advance if I'm missing something:
I find it frustrating that there's no way to create a map that does *not*
automatically return a zero value for undefined key access by default.
I love the fact that Go doesn't return "nil" for this use case (I love
Ruby, but I