I am trying to do some creative formatting using text template and wanted
to see if there might be a better approach than what I implemented.
I have an array of structs, where each element has a Project and Task. The
array is sorted by Project.
type DisplayTask struct {
Project string
Task str
I've been playing with Go and Microsoft Graph and decided to combine the
two and have been writing a "wrapper" API to the RESTful Microsoft Graph
APIs.The source is available at https://github.com/bnixon67/msgraph4go
Microsoft Graph exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on
I agree json.MarshalIndent is great. However, be aware that
json.MarshalIndent will not output private (lowercase) fields of the struct.
On Monday, November 18, 2019 at 3:29:28 AM UTC-6, anderso...@blacklane.com
> Hi Sankar,
> Not really, a easy trick is to use json.MarshalIndent. It