Hi group,
Why Go provides only 2 built-in data structures, slice and map. It has just
more than C, but less than all other programming languages I've heard of, C++,
Python, Swift, Rust.
I think this simplicity attracts me very much. Sometimes I can use only one
data structures for a task. B
Thanks Robert,
It is great!
a, _ := decimal.NewFromString("0.1")
b, _ := decimal.NewFromString("0.2")
c := a.Add(b)
fmt.Println("decimal:", c)
a = decimal.NewFromFloat(0.1)
b = decimal.NewFromFloat(0.2)
c = a.Add(b)
Hi group,
Is there a package can do exact float operations, like Decimal in Python? For
x := 0.1; y := 0.2; z := x + y;
z will be exact 0.3
Why literal operation is exact, variable is not?
fmt.Println(0.1 + 0.2) // 0.3 exactly
fmt.Println(x + y) // 0.30004
Is it still maintained? The last commit is Aug 20, 2021 which is more than half
year ago. The last commit of glog in C++ is just 5 days ago.
-- Original --
From: "peterGo"https://github.com/golang/glog#glog
"The code in this repo is for export only and i
Yes, I download the latest go 1.18 installer for macOS from golang.google.cn.
There's no problem with the installer from the official site.
-- Original --
From: "Ian Lance Taylor"http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye-backports/main amd64 Packages
> *** 1.17.6-1
Hi group,
I only find MaxSize in glog which sets the size of each log file.
Can glog support the options like how many disk size (ie. 10%, 1.8G, etc.) all
the log files may use in total, and the count (ie. 10) of log files it can
save. For example, logfile1.txt, logfile2.txt, ..., logfile10.
I think I may get it.
If there's go.work, the `import example.com/module` will try those local
directories in go.work first. If not found, it will try online repositories.
And module names like this `example.com/module`, `github.com/golang/glog`, etc.
are unique, so there will be no
Hi group,
In the go.mod replace way, there’s a one-to-one mapping relationship, for
example, the module example.com/hello is mapped to folder …/hello
$ go mod edit -replace example.com/hello=../hello
$ view go.mod
replace example.com/hello => ../hello
Now with the go.work way. If
Hi group,
I am going through this page: https://studygolang.com/articles/22820 , It
claims that the 50 lines of Go code handles 1 million concurrent connections
from network clients, on 1 single server machine with a 4-Core CPU and 16G
Does the package net already utilize IO Multiple