Re: [go-nuts] Golang career

2024-11-08 Thread 'Anderson Queiroz' via golang-nuts
Hey, in terms if it's worth or not, it's a rather personal question. How much you like Go and wanna work with it or do you just wanna add another skill to enhance your employability. I pretty much learnt Go reading the Effective Go ( If you are an experienced s

[go-nuts] Re: Making concurrent programs to run parallely in Go

2022-06-16 Thread 'Anderson Queiroz' via golang-nuts
You will need a barrier, the wait Group in your case, to guarantee the main goroutine will only continue after all the others have finished their work. Besides if any of your goroutines blocks due to IO the Go scheduler will look for another goroutine to run while the blocked one waits. Another

Re: [go-nuts] Re: Windows Binaries and stdout

2022-05-02 Thread 'Anderson Queiroz' via golang-nuts
You could log to a file. If you're willing to take in a -log flag, you could take a path as well and log to this file. That way you don't need 2 binaries, however you'd need to tail the file, which seems to me better than 2 binaries. Best, Anderson On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 2:47:06 PM UTC+