There is no (official) option type in Go in general.
I am also not very sure where you took that function signature for the
mint function from. The only place I could find it was your Github issue
with the exact same contents as this email, and there did not seem to be
a direct parallel in the
Thanks for your fast reply. We are not using automemlimit.
But your comment gave me the idea to check the env variables. And indeed I
found that we expose the requested memory amount as env variable to the
pod. Then I also found the function that calls debug.SetMemoryLimit() to
set the limit a
asked the question here too if people want to have syntax highlight
Le vendredi 17 janvier 2025 à 14:16:30 UTC+1, rudeus greyrat a écrit :
> PS: I know there is defer recover mechanism in
The Go runtime isn't aware if it's running in a pod/container/cgroup/etc.
or not, not out of the box anyway. Also, GOMEMLIMIT=infinity (effectively)
by default.
Are you using something like
At least, that would also explain why you saw things chang
We recently had the problem, that the go garbage collector ran hot on a
kubernetes pod and we didn’t find out why. Specs were as follows:
- heap size as reported by the GC was roughly 3GB
- GOGC percentage was at 100
- GOMEMLIMIT was set to something way above current heap size (6750M
Hi everyone! 👋
I'm trying to invoke a contract method using the Aptos Go-SDK. Here's the
method definition in the Move module:
```public entry fun mint(validator: &signer, avatar_cid: String,
public_key: vector, proxyaddress: Option) {}```
The issue I'm facing is with the proxy_address paramet
PS: I know there is defer recover mechanism in Go that can be used to
handle exception... But I would like to use AddVectoredExceptionHandler
(maybe it is already used behind the scene with defer recover ?) because I
can inspect the thread context in myhandler function
Le vendredi 17 janvier 20
I want to be able to catch windows exception and do stuff with it (mainly
for hardware break point later).
I created a custom function to add a Vectored Exception Handler using the
windows API call AddVectoredExceptionHandler: