So cool!
On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 5:44:29 PM UTC+2 Martin Schnabel wrote:
> Hi,
> I attempted to translate the linked JS implementation for fun. Maybe
> someone can use it as a starting point and correct or verify its
> correctness.
> Have fun!
I'm trying to compile the Ethereum source code to arm-based Android
platforms. I've searched online for a while, and most online tutorials are
out-dated or not supported anymore. Is anyone working on cross-compiling
go-based projects onto Android platforms? How/where should I get started?
Alex those were my opinion and my thoughts, as long as they don't harm
anyone they can coexist in peace... in any case, your bluntness is pardoned
and thanks for reading me. As I said before this is a feeling and it makes
me feel good to release it, so allowing me to write this, is, at the
On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 6:14 PM Victor Giordano
> TD;DR: The above is just a stream of consciousness that I release in this
> place that I find appropriate for this purpose. Forgive me in advance.
I find it inappropriate, pardon my bluntness. The use cases for generics
are well document
If a C thread calls into Go, the goroutine processing that call (and only
that goroutine) will run on the C thread. The Go runtime will initialize
any of its own per-thread state for that thread as needed. If a goroutine
calls into C, and that C thread calls back into Go, I believe that the
TD;DR: The above is just a stream of consciousness that I release in this
place that I find appropriate for this purpose. Forgive me in advance.
This is the thing about generics... make the world a very complex place..
and I do wonder... ¿ What kind of problems can be solved by generics that
can n
I think addressing this would sensibly include a rule to allow unifying two
types, if one is assignable to the other (which, AIUI, we already do for
directional channels).
It's possible that this can be confusing in some circumstances including
composite types e.g. something like
func Append[T an
My another surprise is that the below partial instantiation doesn't work.
s = slices.Insert[[]Suiter](s, len(s), Clubs{}) // not work
s = slices.Insert[[]Suiter, Suiter](s, len(s), Clubs{}) // works
On Monday, October 23, 2023 at 11:01:47 AM UTC+8 wrote:
> On Monday, October 2
In the "Special situations" section of this article,
it is mentioned a bit on this.
My understanding of that chapter is, when choosing the inferred type
the current priority is: name types > directional channel types > other
unnamed types.
In the cas