Mark H. Wood wrote:
> The whole point of using a hash is to make it extremely unlikely that
> either party could recover the plaintext unilaterally. It's like having a
> vault with two different locks, and giving the keys to two different
> people, to make abuse more difficult by requiring collusi
[Alex L. Mauer]
> Can you expand on this?
> How could the Name/address/ssn be retrieved from a hash of the same?
The data can be recovered from the hash because search space is small.
Say you are looking for the SSN of a John Smith. Every large DB is bound
to have someone named John Smith.
Hash: SHA1
On Wed, 25 May 2005, Alex L. Mauer wrote:
> Florian Weimer wrote:
> > * Sean C.:
> >>The I.B.M. software would convert data on a person into a string of
> >>seemingly
> >>random characters, using a technique known as a one-way hash function. No
> >>na
Hash: RIPEMD160
Sean C. wrote:
> I'm confused though.
> I just read this article from the New York Times. As a newbie to encryption
> and
> hash algorithms I thought the idea behind hashes was that you couldn't
> reconstruct the data from the hash.
You ca
Florian Weimer wrote:
* Sean C.:
The I.B.M. software would convert data on a person into a string of seemingly
random characters, using a technique known as a one-way hash function. No
names, addresses or Social Security numbers, for example, would be embedded
within the character string.
* Sean C.:
> The I.B.M. software would convert data on a person into a string of seemingly
> random characters, using a technique known as a one-way hash function. No
> names, addresses or Social Security numbers, for example, would be embedded
> within the character string.
For most applications
Sean C. wrote:
> I'm confused though.
> I just read this article from the New York Times. As a newbie to encryption
> and
> hash algorithms I thought the idea behind hashes was that you couldn't
> reconstruct the data from the hash.
You can't. But you can use the hash as a key to cross-referenc
See comment at bottom.
Business/Financial Desk; SECTCTECHNOLOGY
I.B.M. Software Aims to Provide Security Without Sacrificing Privacy
624 words
24 May 2005
The New York Times
Late Edition - Final
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