RE: [META] please start To: with, i.e.: To:

2012-01-29 Thread gerry lowry +1 705 250-0112 alliston ontario canada
Dear Michael (Yetto), M.A.Y.: "It isn't for the greater good if the onus to please the few (or the one) is placed on the many." Michael, if the few care more about being above "the many", than the needs of "the many", does that not lead to disparity? "The many" are not all as knowle

RE: [META] please start To: with, i.e.: To:

2012-01-28 Thread gerry lowry +1 705 250-0112 alliston ontario canada
Jerome, nay, not so my inbox looks better, rather because it's the right thing to do for the greater good, imho. Peace, Gerry __ Gerry Lowry, Partner Ability Business Computer Services ~~ Because it's

RE: [META] please start To: with, i.e.: To:

2012-01-28 Thread gerry lowry +1 705 250-0112 alliston ontario canada
Hi Peter (Lebbing) Depending on one's point of view, the e-mail client UI is either "behind the scenes" or "the scene". My PoV is that everything that is necessary to display the e-mail to my vision, is "behind the scenes". That includes all activity from start to end, including what the e-mai

RE: [META] please start To: with, i.e.: To:

2012-01-28 Thread gerry lowry +1 705 250-0112 alliston ontario canada
Hello Remco and Jerome, FWIW, with Microsoft Outlook Express under WinXP, to view your responses, I must explicitly open (Remco's 666 byte/Jerome's 549 byte) attached body documents in an editor; alternately, I can display the message properties: Alt+Enter==> display properties Ctrl+

[META] please start To: with, i.e.: To:

2012-01-28 Thread gerry lowry +1 705 250-0112 alliston ontario canada This is not directed at any one individual; also, other mailing lists have the same problem imho. Ideally, (my ideal), the generic "one" would simply address e-mails to as (a)To: nothing more, nothing less. Such an