Re: How to encrypt and sign with different keys

2016-07-21 Thread
Still need your help guys. The syntax listed below works (or I think it does) but how do I verify that the file was encrypted with key ID-A and signed with key ID-B? When I type "gpg filename.pgp" I get the information about encryption key but nothing mentions ID-B signing key. I am asking beca

Re: How to encrypt and sign with different keys

2016-07-19 Thread
Thank you to all who replied. The command line listed below works like a charm. I guess, I just have to remove the password from the signing key. One more question, is there a way to force GPG to produce output with PGP extension? From

How to encrypt and sign with different keys

2016-07-18 Thread
I am struggling with GPG command line that will encrypt file with key A and sign it with key B. Any help would be appreciated. Also, is there a way to provide the password for the signing key in the command line? I am trying to automate encrypting files. Thanks ___