Re: Signature has algorithms

2005-12-19 Thread Topas
ntil gpg understands backsigs, right? btw: Do encryption keys get backsigs, too? If not why not? Best wishes, Topas. ___ Gnupg-users mailing list

Signature has algorithms

2005-12-14 Thread Topas
Hi. I've seen that one can use different hash algorithms for creating signatures. The default is SHA-1 I think, but (and correct me if I'm wrong) SHA-512 (or even the "smaller" ones) should be more secure. Ok,.. I've seen that one is able to change the used algorithm with the "--cert-digest-

Release date of 1.4.3

2005-12-07 Thread Topas
Hi. Is there some kind of roadmap when 1.4.3 will be available? Another issue: gpg tarballs are signed with the following key: pub 1024D/57548DCD 1998-07-07 [expires: 2005-12-31] Key fingerprint = 6BD9 050F D8FC 941B 4341 2DCC 68B7 AB89 5754 8DCD uid Werner Koch (gnupg sig) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


2005-11-01 Thread Topas
Alphax wrote: Is it in OpenPGP yet? I think there are IDs reserved for it,... but not sure if the whole algorithm/system is contained in RFC2440... Regards, Topas. ___ Gnupg-users mailing list


2005-10-27 Thread Topas
Hi. When are we going to have ECC support in GnuPG? Regards, topas. ___ Gnupg-users mailing list