This is not a problem. I use both, PGP Desktop, gnupg and PGP Command Line
interchangeably all the time. You would decrypt the file the same way you would
any other file.
Encrypted file with pgp:
$ pgp -e appts.txt -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]
appts.txt:encrypt (0:output file appts.txt.pgp)
Decrypt th
ve to know of a more
efficient way of doing this.
- Original Message
From: Shawn Protsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 4:55:31 PM
Subject: Re: export/import additional user id
Thanks David,
That is fine but
I have a user that has two email addresses attached to their key:
pub 1024D/630934DC 2007-08-27
sub 2048g/113A7E70 2007-08-27
They exported with the following:
$ gpg --armor --ouput mike.asc --export
I'm running some tests and exported some keys from my gpg 1.4.7 instance using
the instructions here:
I then attempted to import into an older PGP 7.01 (command line) installation:
Now, when I receive a file and attempt to decrypt that file with
I've searched via Google the above message and found
one post that said to remove the "--no-tty" from the
gpg.conf file. Well, I don't have a line with that
parameter in the file.
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--- David Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 09:59:23AM -0700, Shawn
> Protsman wrote:
> > I am running SuSE Linux Enterprise 9 on an iSeries
> > (Power5 chipset) server:
> >
> > > uname -a
> >
> > Linux l336649e_pub 2.6
I am running SuSE Linux Enterprise 9 on an iSeries
(Power5 chipset) server:
> uname -a
Linux l336649e_pub 2.6.5-7.139-pseries64 #1 SMP Fri
Jan 14 15:41:33 UTC
2005 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux
The installed version of gpg is 1.2.4. I would like
to update the system to 1.4.x.
gpg 1.4 was not ava