HowTo make a donation to gpg...

2007-03-16 Thread Sebastian von Thadden
Hi, I'm really exaltet about gpg and want to support the project with a little donation. I think, if I can't help to develop such a good project, the team should get a little bit support. The most OS-projects are better than commercial products. A donation is the least, that I (and other users) ca

Restore Smart-Card-Manuel

2007-03-06 Thread Sebastian von Thadden
Hi, since 2 years, I'm using pgp. It's very nice. Today I've got 2 pgp-smartcards. The frist one works very good. Everything works good. Now, I want to test, what happens when I lost this card or it's broken. I've both cards, the public key and an .pgp-file. I searched google for over 2 hours,