a new version of GnuPT has been released. This version comes with an
update of WinPT.
Alternatively it is possible to install WinPT Version 1.4.3.
Download: http://installer.gnupt.de/
Portable: http://portable.gnupt.de/
WinPT-Blog: http://winpt.gnupt.de/
WinPT and GnuPT are two independe
a new version of GnuPT has been released. This version comes with an
update of WinPT.
Alternatively it is possible to install WinPT Version 1.4.3.
Download: http://installer.gnupt.de/
WinPT Blog: http://winpt.gnupt.de/
WinPT and GnuPT are two independent projects.