> I'm running gpg 1.4.9 on Vista. When working with files from the command
> line I can encrypt or sign but I can't do both.
Guys, scratch this question. It doesn't verify if I only run a verification
using the --verify command but it does verify it I decrypt the file.
I'm running gpg 1.4.9 on Vista. When working with files from the command
line I can encrypt or sign but I can't do both. The results I get as are as
gpg -a -s -e file.txt
Encrypts the file only. I cannot verify a signature on this file, I get the
following message.
gpg: no valid O
> The behavior is specified by RFC4880 and is not a security risk.
I was testing this with the --verify switch only so I didn't see the final
output with the stripped headers. Thanks for clearing this up.
Your point regarding my mail client was interesting though. I use the web
Hi Guys,
I'm new to GPG so I'm not sure if this is a problem or if it's by design but
it's possible to modify a clearsigned message/document and still have it
verify. When I sign a document GPG adds the two header lines "-BEGIN
PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-" and "Hash: SHA1" followed by a blank lin