Hello Matthias,
Am 09.02.24 um 15:36 schrieb Matthias Apitz:
So, can I buy this card here in Europe or even in Germany?
yes you can buy this Card also in Europe:
or you can also buy a USB/NFC-Device at Nitrokey
I hop
On 2024-02-09 14:36, Matthias Apitz wrote:
Next question: Can I transfer somehow the key from one card to the
other to use the same encrypted files foo.gpg from my password store:
purism@pureos:~$ find .password-store/ -type f | wc -l
No, the entire point of an openpgp card is that you ca
I do use an OpenPGP-card, bought from Purism in one of my L5 mobiles and I
want to buy a second one for my other L5. I use two L5, one in Europe,
the other in Cuba with a cuban SIM card. I could buy the 2nd card in
Purism to, but would have to pay $65 shipping fee for the $15 card.
So, can I buy t