On Debian lenny/sid with the following Debian packages installed:
,[ dlocate -l 'gnupg|gpg'|grep '^i' (lines chopped) ]
ii gnupg 1.4.6-2GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii gnupg-agent2.0.6-1GNU privacy guard - password agent
ii gnupg2
I only know what my guys tell me :) They say we have 1.2.6 on one
machine (the linux machine) and 1.2.0 on the other (the other unix
machine). And someone else told me that Unix and Linux had different
versions of gpg, I didn't check that out, so apologies if it isn't the
-Original Me
Robert J. Hansen schrieb:
> Apologies for the late reply to this--was cleaning out my inbox and
> found this, and couldn't remember whether I ever saw a follow-up
> explaining the issue.
> Thomas Hühn wrote:
>> When I create a new key and enter "pref" at the edit-key menu, I see "S9
>> S8 S7 S3