Hash: SHA256
here's the information I get on your key:
pub 1024D/F65A739E created: 2002-10-02 expires: never usage: CS
trust: unknown validity: unknown
sub 1024R/C7658196 created: 2003-10-02 expires: never usage:
Hash: RIPEMD160
> Where can I find a fairly basic introduction to GPG concepts
> like trust models and signatures? I've been using GPG for
> personal use for five years, but somehow missed some of the more
> basic concepts. I took a look at the GPG Privacy Han
I've been signing my emails with my gpg key (F65A739E) at least that is what
mutt says. However, when it's sent it appears to be signed with a sub key
(B23241CB). Can someone explain the purpose of subordinate keys and what I'm
doing wrong?
pub 1024D/F65A7
Hash: SHA1
I get this error anytime I try to start up WinPT on my XP SP2 system.
"Sorry, you need a newer GPG version.
GPG version 1.0.4 requred GPG version 1.2.4"
I'm running the following ...
WinPT version 0.9.90
... and ...
[C:/GnuPG] ./gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG
I've read an old post(April 2000?) where Werner Koch said he didn't
like the choose of Twofish with a keylenght of 256 bits for different
-128 bits would suffice
-nobody uses a passphrase with the same order of magnitude of entropy
to protect the secret key
-256 bits keylenght is a risk fo
have recently looked at an old pgpckt version,
and found that gnupg 1.4.1 does not verify armored signed files
done in ckt
(i don't remember which was the last version of gnupg that did
verify it, but do remember that it was not a problem in earlier
here is the gnupg output, followed