[GNC] Transactions not appearing in report

2019-02-09 Thread Nancy Tague
I’ve been using GnuCash only a few months, since I took over as treasurer of a small community non-profit. I have had 2 different bank accounts set up in GnuCash, as well as a number of expense and income accounts. Recently I set up 3 new bank accounts for CDs (certificates of deposit) we set u

Re: [GNC] Transactions not appearing in report

2019-02-09 Thread Nancy Tague
report date range) and they don’t show up. Nancy From: David Carlson Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2019 7:19 PM To: Nancy Tague Cc: Gnucash Users Subject: Re: [GNC] Transactions not appearing in report Nancy, Did you revise the Accounts selections for the report(s) to include the new accounts

[GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-16 Thread Nancy Tague
I’m a brand new GnuCash user trying to figure out its features. This one has me stumped. The numbers in transaction reports show as blue and underlined – they’re links to the register. Is there a way to turn that off? I don’t want my reports to have blue underlined numbers. Thanks for your

Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports

2018-08-17 Thread Nancy Tague
Found it! (Under the General tab of Style Sheets.) I knew I’d seen links somewhere. Thank you so much. From: Christopher Lam Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2018 3:07 AM To: Nancy Tague Cc: GnuCash users group Subject: Re: [GNC] Links in transaction reports Hi Nancy, welcome to Gnucash user