What would be the recommended method of Entry for an IRA Distribution?
The Distribution is for a personal IRA (not Roth).
The IRA is of Mutual Funds.
The Mutual Fund is in Assets > Investments - Retirement > Brokerage > etc.
> etc.
Since this is taxable income, I need to track withholding (
en if you get it back as a tax refund, you can't put it back (Rollover)
into the IRA to earn tax free.
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 4:35 PM Milton Stern wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What would be the recommended method of Entry for an IRA Distribution?
Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 9:52 PM Milton Stern wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please see below
>> Moshe
>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 7:06 PM R Losey wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> Assuming you take out $5,000 and they wi
Hi Everyone,
I was thinking, perhaps to have the initial 401k/IRA in the "Assets" as a
Deferred Income under the standard categories/subcategories (ex. Stocks,
Mutual Funds, Treasury Bills, CDs, etc.) (or Visa versa)?
When a distribution is taken, the vehicle is sold with proceeds going to