trust of
Gnucash. You can also use IRC if you prefer.
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If you are using Nabble
u advise your OS, because this may offer a different way
of altering your locale settings.
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Gnucash runs according to your system settings. So if you set your
computer to a language, that is what you should see.
This wiki page gives some information on how to change for Windows users
such words in the archives.
You put in lots of good information, please refrain from those sorts of
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On Fri, 19 Aug 2022 06:06:18 +
Gyle McCollam wrote:
> Liz,
> Just wanted to mention that if you post to cash ledger and meant to
> post to a card, instead of cutting and pasting, in the cash ledger,
> you could click on the transaction and then the split icon. Then
> click
a under one customer and a customer entry now
called "Reuse me" for next time I have a new customer.
I see Derek said its by design, but it caught me too.
I was not aware that the menu entry "Edit Invoice" had different powers
to choosing "View/Edit Invoice" from a sea
where the money has been deposited. How can I stop this occurring?
gnucash-user mailing list
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quite straightforward, especially with a
> web-based database manager. Trying to work from the command line may
> be a little more complicated.
> Cheers
> Cam
You could save once only in a suitable database format to get the data,
then immediately save in compres
. Reporting can
then pull the end of financial year value for the appropriate year.
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ce of Liabilities?
I have removed the actual values, they do not materially affect the
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bilities, and the other I can't work out.
No use Michael telling me that I need to decide what I would do on
paper, I'm lost.
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On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 17:30:35 +1100
Geoff wrote:
> Hi Liz
> I think the other side of that liability entry should be something
> like "Expenses:Company Tax".
> Regards
> Geoff
> =
Thanks for that.
A bit of rearranging and now the Net Worth
On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 00:57:44 -0600
Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Liz,
> I just ran the chart for myself and indeed, it appears your
> Liabilities are backwards. That is, if you owe money, they should
> have a Credit balance, but yours show as Debit balance. (The *normal*
> bala
If you feel you want a program closer to Quicken, indeed look for one.
We don't want to force you in any way.
gnucash-user mailing list
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my machine.
> David T.
I followed those instructions. To see the balance you can only have csv
is the screenshot with the sellers names redacted
gnucash-user mailing list
On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 09:42:13 +
"Dr. David Kirkby" wrote:
> It’s annoying that the sellers names are not shown, as here in the UK
> it’s a legal requirement to have that information if one is running a
> limited liability company. Also the buyers name, unless one is
> running a retail store.
yping 2 letters should get the correct account, or you may decide to
type three letters as a habit.
gnucash-user mailing list
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ues (checks to you) have multiple delays in processing and data
entry in any bank's procedures.
Personally my wages go by direct transfer from business to personal, on
a regular schedule booked online with my bank.
gnucash-user ma
e version of the mailing list, where it is
presented like a forum.
Posts cannot be deleted. Email once sent, is there and somewhere for
ever. A note to say that you had quickly found the problem is fine.
gnucash-user mailing list
the transaction and enter the whole thing by hand and
> it worked.
> It'd not a big deal to get it fixed, or maybe copy/paste isn't
> supposed to work between
> databases?
I agree, it doesn't work, and I haven't tried to do it for a long time.
I wondered whether you should combine your accounts. Perhaps you need
a third set of joint accounts.
There are philosophical reasons to keep separate accounts.
gnucash-user mailing list
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the two files and see if that helps.
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If you are using Nabble or
ow would I do the install. I use Windows 10.
Can Mike do this with flatpak versions?
gnucash-user mailing list
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get to zero. I'm not sure whether this is the same as my accountant's
So I enter all the transactions, each for a different year and I never
have to look up again whether it was a 5% or a 30% or a 100%
depreciation schedule.
I can see an advantage to a calculation scheme in
nt to the list. Odd. I turned on ack emails for next time.
> >
> Why odd? You're using Gmail. This is expected behaviour.
Fred's correct, the point at which you lose the mail is Gmail. If you
check in your "Allmail" you could find them there.
uitable css file for Gnucash for
people with impaired vision, it would be good to share on the wiki.
gnucash-user mailing list
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trate that I haven't hidden my income, which is of course all
they are worried about.
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accounts subscribed to Gnucash-user, 198 use the
digest mode.
It will continue to be available
Liz, with moderator hat.
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account, then pay the credit card from the cheque account.
gnucash-user mailing list
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If you are using N
r each purchase.
This is the best way to proceed, once you have followed David Cousen's
suggestion and read the tutorial and concepts guide.
gnucash-user mailing list
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Gmail just puts them in "Allmail".
You can either check the Allmail directory, or the Gnucash archives to
find your post.
gnucash-user mailing list
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he scheduled transaction, then set it be
checked before posting, and then update the amount to the actual charge
nvolved. In my case it is a purchase on Friday night - sometimes the
purchase is not made, so I delete the transaction, and other times I
edit it to reflect the actual purchase.
e profit, and that is hard to find.
While I agree, don't sweat the small stuff, there are those who are
hoping you won't notice a little bit often.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscripti
— on screen?
> If not, is it a feature GnuCash should have or is it just me?
> Thank you
You can open multiple copies of a file.
You will get a warning dialogue.
At that point, choose "read only" for the second one.
Then you are r
first opened "save-as" you were shown the current file
location. You chose this when you installed Gnucash first up, and
didn't need to remember.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferenc
een made and then click on "SYNC" to download the changed version.
> Bonus with this is if you stuff some updates up you can just re-sync
> the old file back down and over-write the botched file :-)
> Cheers David H.
I use software which automatically syncs, and in that case
nt will happily substitute different email addresses so I
am well aware that something which says its from a person's email may
well not be. Requests can be genuine or not.
To unsubscribe yourself you need your password, and can have one sent
to you to accomplish the task.
> feature.
> Cheers David H.
Perhaps even a virtual machine, just for that software (extreme, but
another solution)
gnucash-user mailing list
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, they can claim
> > credit for the sales tax (if any) already paid for that thing to
> > state B.
> Maybe. Some states don't allow it, or allow it only up to the home
> state's tax rate.
It's incredibly complex. And Australians have all been led to bel
On Mon, 28 Feb 2022 18:58:20 -0500
Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> > It's incredibly complex. And Australians have all been led to
> > believe that we have the most complex tax system on the planet.
> >
> > Liz
> The reason is that here in the US sa
depends on the
flavour of government - it seems to oscillate slowly here.
If you are not sure about the expenses, make lots of expense
subaccounts to keep them in general categories, and rationalise them
when you have had a chat with your accountant. In GnuCash its easy to
join subaccounts and tedi
What to back up is covered in the FAQ
which I see now leads to longer articles in the wiki
gnucash-user mailing list
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We don't know how you account for manufacturing costs when you invoice,
nor how you spread this income in your accounts. If you give some more
details, someone who is already doing similar with Gnucash can advise.
gnucash-user mailin
g updated Gnucash versions, building
it yourself would be worthwhile and should be much less than 3 months.
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ceived, and
digit transposition.
I hope you find what is happening and let us know.
gnucash-user mailing list
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I remember how to do it, because it has been working for many
years on my desktop, survives upgrades and so on.
My menu, under "Office" has
Gnucash Business
Gnucash Home
Gnucash Super
Gnucash Trust
You didn't say which desktop environment you are using, so more
; >
> > Sure, tell it to do that. It only adds ".gnucash" by default, but
> > it won't override what you tell it.
> >
> Where do you tell it that?
"Save As" in the menu should do it.
ing on the ATO website.
I am doing my IAS and BAS on paper ever since the ATO broke the system
for renewing certificates and I couldn't use the electronic system on
Linux. That would be about 13 years of quiet protest ;)
gnucash-user mailing
ontrol what happens
with Nabble. Posts made through Nabble come straight through if the
writer is registered with the Gnucash mailing list involved, otherwise
they sit in the queue for me to check.
At the bottom of every email from the Gnucash server is the
instructions on how to join.
> > On Jul 5, 2020, at 4:24 AM, J R wrote:
> >
> > I too sorry for contacting you, I also cannot create a new topic or
> > reply also 1. I am logged in
> > 2. I am subscribed
> > 3. I don't know what Liz and I have in common for this problem,
the money is on a 72 hour hold
(Australia) before being paid by the bank to the place which is waiting
for the money.
So a person using this system in Australia would not get offered a
match in the matching system, as the minimum time between the
transaction a
s who actually signed
Gnucash lists up to Nabble in the first place.
gnucash-user mailing list
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If you are usin
On Tue, 7 Jul 2020 07:46:23 +0100
Adrian Holbrook wrote:
> Liz, I tried to respond to a posting by David Cousens [via GnuCash]
> and it was rejected by Nabble. Could you pass on the following -
> I have also tried to contact Hugo a number of times. In frustration I
> have u
ing list. There's a very good chance they won't get close to the
> wiki so perhaps it will make no difference how clearly it is
> described in the wiki.
> See attached.
> David
I use DDG, and just checked, is the first entry returned.
I s
payment button on the reconcile info dialog,
> and what compelling reason do you have for objecting?
No objection, I don't use them as it interferes with my workflow.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subsc
get a new tab with
> the desired entries
> Max Hyre
I know it worksmy accountant asked about something, quoted correct
amount, wrong date, wrong description, and with the search facility I
was able to find the transaction, and then the supp
still be here, the Gnucash mailing lists will still exist, and
we will still be able to communicate.
You may be used to Nabble, but its particular formula led many users to
try to post in the development list instead of this one.
gnucash-user mai
> Select save and name the file —let’s call it gnucash.
> Then to make use of the above:
> In finder, right click on the .gnucash file of
> choice->services->gnucash
> This will open a new instance of gnucash with the selected file.
We have a space set up complete with voting here
Set up another item to vote on, announce it here on this list,
hopefully the other language lists will also pick it up.
describing some of the
further meanings of "free" that FSF refers to
Freedom to use for any purpose; freedom to examine the code; freedom to
share; freedom to improve (and share those improvements).
You can read more about the matters here
from a spreadsheet you may need to use the csv
importer to make it work. I am ignorant about its workings.
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at the varied answers to the problem.
gnucash-user mailing list
On Fri, 23 Oct 2020 12:29:11 -0600
Bert Riding wrote:
> Start up xev in a terminal and you will find that what I said is the
> actual way X works.
It's configurable in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
I certainly recall when the new middle button came up as but
t how can I
influence the drop down list?
gnucash-user mailing list
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If you are using Nabb
ons infrastructure, with inadequate planning for
power loss or fire hazard control on the hilltops.
gnucash-user mailing list
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not to copy the *.LCK and the *.LNK as well as
the *.log files.
I use a complex system of syncing to allow me to use the laptop for
Gnucash when away from home and have all the data automatically updated
to the primary copy on the laptop.
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 11:32:39 +1100
Liz wrote:
> I was trying to reconcile an account for the first time since I
> created it.
> The reconcile dialogue says it has a starting balance of $6,300.
> I have no idea from where this starting balance has come. The first
> entry is $
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 16:41:22 -0800
Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> Hello, Liz:
> Are any of the transactions in that account reconciled? Do you have a
> "starting balance" transaction in that account, perhaps created when
> you created the account?
> The reconcili
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:50:06 -0600 (CST)
David Cousens wrote:
> Liz,
> That would seem to imply that some transactions have been marked as
> reconciled somewhere in the account history, not necessarily a single
> transaction for $6300. One possible suggestion, have you cleare
On Fri, 20 Nov 2020 18:50:06 -0600 (CST)
David Cousens wrote:
> Liz,
> That would seem to imply that some transactions have been marked as
> reconciled somewhere in the account history, not necessarily a single
> transaction for $6300. One possible suggestion, have you cleare
I did not expect when I moved transactions from the bank account to a
holding account that the reconcile flag for the bank account would
It may be a bug.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription
On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 17:30:08 -0600
David Carlson wrote:
> Liz:
> If I understand correctly, at some point intentionally or
> unintentionally you were able to move a previously reconciled
> transaction from one account to a different account without changing
> the reconci
If you subscribe to the list you won't have to wait for the Moderator
to let your emails through.
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On Sat, 21 Nov 2020 23:51:01 -0600
David Carlson wrote:
> Liz
> I would suggest copying that entire message into a bug report.
> Especially be sure to include that you had said "Do not tell me again
> this session that I am changing a
> reconciled transaction" a
> sure it's not loading an older saved file?
> Hope that's clear. Thanks. As I say, just curious.
When you can work out why you are using backup files, this problem will
"go away".
gnucash-user mailing l
uot;mil" seen in
> tax rates. water rates, etc. >>
> Michael D Novack
I'm just rephrasing this...
If Gnucash (or any accounting program) rounds values you have to know
exactly how this has been done, and you have to know your
jurisdiction's rules, so you can
On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 15:31:20 -0500
David Ridell via gnucash-user wrote:
> Am I doing something wrong?
No, but you can do it better. See David's suggestions.
gnucash-user mailing list
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sable system. It
doesn't include me, I live elsewhere.
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If you are using Na
ng- going to Imbalance
Then you put in the next fraction, and it has learnt from the first
import that "Grocery Store" goes to Expenses:Groceries
and slowly you get through the import process
and did I remember to say
it wouldn't be set at all (See Adrien's post)
gnucash-user mailing list
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If you are using Nab
or so, I figured I should join the mailing list if I
> wanted to get through to it, so I did. I never knew it actually went
> through.
I let it through.
But it is much better to join the list.
There are two versions of this query on the mailing list
30th Jan with no replies
letter "å" can be typed here
> by pressing "Alt-0229". However, it doesn't work when trying to type
> this letter in the Account name for a New Account.
> Is this another bug?
Can you copy and paste the correct characters into place?
Sorry Gals and Guys
I've let through one bit of spam. It has got caught in my spam
filtering here, so you may or may not see it.
I do apologise.
gnucash-user mailing list
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eriment with and practise in.
Warning, because it is detailed, it's 311 pages long.
Then come back with your questions.
gnucash-user mailing list
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Carlson is correct, and this has started with you getting a
warning that the file is already open, then follow his instructions.
Next time be sure you close GnuCash before you close the computer!
gnucash-user mailing list
ar it is all OK.
My first thought was "disc space?"
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Please re
ing . What do I do?
start a new thread here after doing your basic checks on file sizes etc.
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a zero balance. They may have had a balance in a previous
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Please remember
refuse to allow a transaction to have two splits into
> the same account? My knowledge of accounting is scant, but with it I
> can't see why one would ever legitimately do that.
With the benefit of hindsight, would going back to a previous save have
; cash on hand
cash on hand > bank
I'm sure you will sort this out shortly.
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appen if you did upgrade first?
sudo apt update
sudo apt -s upgrade
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On Sat, 22 Jul 2023 18:27:52 -0700
John Ralls wrote:
> > On Jul 22, 2023, at 5:15 PM, Liz wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 22 Jul 2023 14:25:38 -0700
> > Steve Butler wrote:
> >
> >> First I would upgrade those 191 packages.
> >>
> >> s
are gone, and even which is
my next invoice number.
I open Gnucash > Help > About, and attach the screenshot.
This tells me where to look for my preferences, data etc.
GNC_USERDATA_DIR is /home/liz/.local/share/gnucash
Nope, my data files are in subdirectories of
On Sun, 13 Aug 2023 11:15:52 +1000
David Cousens wrote:
> The saved reports are in
> /home/liz/.local/share/gnucash/saved_reports2.8. GNC_USERDATA_DIR is
> the location for the user preferences data
all very well, but that file
~/.local/share/gnucash/books/*.gcm contains the dat
y once we have the data we can update the documentation.
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Please remember to CC
and I'll report on success or failure, as I can ssh into the old
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can dump the the contents via dconf or GSettings tools and then
> import this on the new machine. As I'm not near a computer right now,
> I can't offer much more than a pointer in the right direction.
Old machine
$ dconf dump /org/gnucash/ > /home/liz/gnucash-dconf
$ scp /ho
er changing computers.
It's far too long and contains a lot of information. I can understand
that it is hard to maintain.
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At some time I anticipate your son will leave home and set up an
independent household. Having to disentangle accounts at that time
would be very difficult.
gnucash-user mailing list
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I did once use gnucash for android. I could export a file and import
that into my desktop.
It wasn't worth the trouble, as others have mentioned, making a note on
your phone is just as easy to handle.
I now have a policy of asking for a paper receipt or an emailed receipt.
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