[GNC] Budget Report - expressed as a percentage

2021-05-11 Thread Bruce Lang
Is there any possibility of considering adding to the Budget Report, the ability to select an option for the Diff column to display as a percentage of the Actual/Budget? It would make reporting somewhat more convenient. The feedback I receive from those who read the reports i they would prefer

Re: [GNC] Backspace key stops working

2018-12-29 Thread Bruce Lang
Me too Issue is when I enter a new transaction. It auto-fills the previous similar transaction which is what I want but when I go to edit the details - let's say I want to change a word using Shift-Back (or Forward) arrow, it selects either a section of the words starting about 4 char

Re: [GNC] Backspace key stops working

2018-12-30 Thread Bruce Lang
Gruß, Christoph Am 30.12.2018 um 04:49 schrieb Bruce Lang mailto:quil...@chariot.net.au>>: Me too Issue is when I enter a new transaction. It auto-fills the previous similar transaction which is what I want but when I go to edit the details - let's say I want to change a w

Re: [GNC] Current windows iteration

2018-05-15 Thread Bruce Lang
Have a look at http://gnucash.org/download.phtml Thanks, Bruce On 15/05/2018 10:27 PM, Gary Holtum wrote: Sure don't see a link to 2.6.21 at gnucash.org Can you be specific? Gary -Original Message- From: gnucash-user [mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+diamondhranchqh=earthlink@gnucash.

Re: [GNC] latest gnucash release (3.1) feedback

2018-05-30 Thread Bruce Lang
I love the new look - so much better and cleaner. I have 8 tabs open at any one time and can see 6 without scrolling - that's the same as the number of tabs in my web browser - so what's the problem? If the tabs are too big - how about abbreviating the name (e.g. by changing "Profit & Loss"

Re: [GNC] Uninstalling previous versions

2018-07-02 Thread Bruce Lang
Hi, I installed 3.2 but I experienced problems with displaying the reports. Trial Balance and Equity Statement produced an "Error in producing report" message. I can view the various Options for the reports and all settings were as previously configured (under the former version). Other repo

Re: [GNC] Uninstalling previous versions

2018-07-02 Thread Bruce Lang
Oops -should've checked bugs first. Thanks, *Bruce* On 2/07/2018 10:10 PM, Christopher Lam wrote: https://bugs.gnucash.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796697 Instructions to fix html-utilities.scm within On Mon, 2 Jul 2018, 20:11 Bruce Lang <mailto:quil...@chariot.net.au>> wrote: