On 2022-07-09 15:50, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
c. (For the sake of completeness) Invent a time machine, jump forward
past the dates of the under-the-blue-line transactions, sync your
computer top a time source, and run GnuCash.
For further completeness, the time machine is not absolutely
Your case is specific but you stated it as a general fact that "Most
computers do not have an AUTOMATIC sync to real time." That statement is
demonstrably false and I'm pointing that out. When you are "speaking
from the perspective of somebody who does NOT live in an urban area"
then you are on
Ok, I've been running along on 2.6.3 on Win 10. No issues to date that
I can see.
I know there's been various changes throughout the rest of the 2.x and
3.x series and we're now on 4.x which sparks some questions:
Do I really need to update? I only use the basis ledgers for standard
banking ac
> system, it'll be easier to use recent versions.
> -derek
> Sent using my mobile device. Please excuse any typos.
> On October 2, 2021 5:56:23 PM AC wrote:
>> Ok, I've been running along on 2.6.3 on Win 10. No issues to date that
>> I can see.
efore jumping to 4.x and committing to the full
On 2021-10-02 15:11, AC wrote:
> I agree don't upgrade if not absolutely necessary but I will likely be
> replacing this computer in a few months so starting from a newer
> installation is much more likely to happen in that case.
changed at least once since 2.6.x.
On 2021-10-02 15:30, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 10/2/2021 6:11 PM, AC wrote:
>> I agree don't upgrade if not absolutely necessary but I will likely be
>> replacing this computer in a few months so starting from a newer
>> i
you know how to fix their problems.
> Peter
> —
> Peter West
> p...@ehealth.id.au
> “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and
> the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
>> On 3 Oct 2021, at 8:11 am, AC wrote:
I'm having a bit of trouble compiling 2.6.19 (so that I can begin the
upgrade process for the data) but the dependencies are not being met.
All the base dependency packages are installed but the versioning seems
to be off or package names have changed and don't expose old library
names. For examp
Ok, finally got upgraded to 4.8, so far so good.
A couple things I want to change if at all possible:
First is the color schemes, I'd like to change the ledger to dark grays
and also change the overall UI to have a darker color if possible.
The other thing I was hoping to do is reduce the siz
register may be special, however, and not as readily changed (but
I could be wrong). Others have documented these settings on the lists and in
the wiki. Searches in the list archives and on the wiki should help you.
Original Message
From: AC
Sent: Thu Dec 09 19:01:05 EST 2021
l theme or even editing
some of the CSS. I got the gtk-3.0.css file working but that's actually
in Roaming\Gnucash despite the wiki saying it should be in Local\gtk-3.0.
On 2021-12-09 17:39, D. wrote:
As far as I know, yes.
Original Message
From: AC
Sent: Thu Dec 09 20:1
ter colors) are
different. I'm attaching my own gtk.css with my own preferred settings.
I spent a good amount of time delving into the interface settings
available in general for GTK3 by looking at other much more complicated
themes people have written, etc.
Hope it helps.
On 2021-12-09 20:
Thanks Geert, that at leas would enable it but how do I bring up the
inspector to use it? The link to gnome.org only discusses using the
inspector in a Linux environment but it doesn't say how to bring it up
in a Windows environment.
On 2021-12-10 01:30, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op vrijdag 10 d
On 2021-12-10 11:16, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op vrijdag 10 december 2021 19:35:02 CET schreef AC:
Thanks Geert, that at leas would enable it but how do I bring up the
inspector to use it? The link to gnome.org only discusses using the
inspector in a Linux environment but it doesn't say h
On 2021-12-10 11:31, AC wrote:
On 2021-12-10 11:16, Geert Janssens wrote:
Op vrijdag 10 december 2021 19:35:02 CET schreef AC:
Thanks Geert, that at leas would enable it but how do I bring up the
inspector to use it? The link to gnome.org only discusses using the
inspector in a Linux
ewhat deprecated, complex, poorly
understood, and frequently problematic, but it's still present.
-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user On
Behalf Of AC
Sent: December 09, 2021 8:51 PM
To: D.
Cc: D. via gnucash-user
Subject: Re: [GNC] Changing colors and layout on 4.8
Well I'
#x27;cascade' would work when
targeting more general nodes/selectors)
On 12/10/21 1:44 PM, AC wrote:
Found it, there was a space just before the period in the file name.
The inspector does come up now.
Now to understand how to t
First, find a nice font-size for the entire UI. Stick with it. (there is
good reason for this)
Then adjust *padding* on the 'tab' or *margin and/or padding* on the
'label' of the tab as needed.
That's what I've done so far, and it works well enough for me,
On 2021-12-11 10:10, Jack Frillman via gnucash-user wrote:
I just upgraded my Linux system to Fedora 34 and it in the process it
upgraded GNC to 4.6 where previously it was 4.4.
Two of my settings/preferences were undone:
1 - The prices in an investment account is now in fractions, which BTW
After having gotten the main registers to all use dark themes I tried
using colored tabs for the first time. That indeed has been helpful to
make it easy to spot particular accounts from a big list of tabs (all
bank accounts are one color, credit cards another, etc.)
But one thing I noticed i
he selected tab is bold while the rest are not.
Did you do any customizing of the color scheme in your machine beyond what
you can do in the preferences?
On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 12:43 AM AC wrote:
After having gotten the main registers to all use dark themes I tried
using colored tabs for the fi
e tab is still
visible around the custom color) Perhaps your margin or padding needs to
be examined, particularly on the right. It might only take a few px to
expose the blue line.
On 12/13/21 12:42 AM, AC wrote:
After having gotten the main registers to all use dark themes I
lor of the base theme.
On 12/13/21 2:40 PM, AC wrote:
That was it. I added padding-right: 5px; to the tabs and the blue bar
is now visible.
I'm not sure how to change that bar's color since I'd like to do
something that stands out mroe against the dark gray but at le
I don't think I see this anywhere within the accessible settings but is
it possible for the background of the Action field in a register to
change color based on its contents?
I don't use the Action field much but I've found one particular use: to
flag entries for transactions that I've entere
here might be other "hows" even simpler.
On 12/16/2021 2:25 AM, AC wrote:
For example, I have a couple loans that are paid fixed amounts each
month but the split of principal and interest varies (of course). I
have automatic payments at the bank set up to pay those fixed amoun
No, I don't like the loan wizard. I already tried it and I still need
to flag the transactions to find them later in the register so I can fix
the splits correctly. The wizard doesn't save me any time.
Why not point to the loan wizard and how it can setup an automated
transaction schedule?
k to implement.
One path forward would be to create an Enhancement Request Bug Report in
the GnuCash Bugzilla https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla.
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 12:09 AM AC wrote:
No, I don't like the loan wizard. I already tried it and I still need
to flag the transactions t
ything imbalanced in the first place.
On 2021-12-17 09:11, Michael or Penny Novack wrote:
On 12/17/2021 1:06 AM, AC wrote:
I DO NOT want to open yet another register every time I want to look
for transactions that need to be updated. I prefer just to skim
through the checking account r
That's what I figured. No worries, I'll deal with the text-only fields.
I've adjusted the columns widths enough that, in combination with
white text on a dark overall theme, the text is a little more pronounced
than it was when it was the light green/yellow registers with black text.
It's sti
As part of trying to get a dark theme for Gnucash I enabled GTK's dark
But with that enabled negative numbers no longer show up in red, they're
all in white. I don't have any customized CSS that selects for a font
color so it shouldn't be that.
On my Windows 10 machine I had to add "gtk-3.0.css" to
..\AppData\Roaming\GnuCash to override any defaults
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 7:21 PM AC wrote:
As part of trying to get a dark theme for Gnucash I enabled GTK's dark
But wi
. Try:
/* Negative number color */
.gnc-class-negative-numbers {
color: red;
This may help as well to tweak other things:
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 8:10 PM AC wrote:
So in 2.6 land I used to be able to scroll the list of account tabs with
the mouse wheel when the list (vertical list, to the left of the
register) was taller than the available space without causing the
currently selected account to change. The arrows at the top and bottom
of the list of tabs
cheers David H.
On Mon, 10 Jan 2022 at 15:56, AC wrote:
So in 2.6 land I used to be able to scroll the list of account tabs with
the mouse wheel when the list (vertical list, to the left of the
register) was taller than the available space without causing the
currently selected account to ch
I'm a bit disappointed that this thread went off in a different
direction and never addressed actual search and replace.
Is it even on the roadmap or do I still have to resort to butchering the
XML file?
On 2023-04-29 10:58, Stan Brown wrote:
On 2023-04-29 08:32, Gyle McCollam wrote:
On y
I recently moved some mutual funds from one brokerage to another. The
process did not involve a sale, it was just a transfer of control from
the old to the new.
In my current books I keep mutual funds listed as subaccount under each
brokerage as such with their respective security/currency:
On 2023-07-05 10:07, David Carlson wrote:
Fred implied, but didn't elaborate on the point that the shares in the
original brokerage account had a cost basis that was incurred when they
were purchased. When you transfer them out, that is equivalent to a sale
or closing transaction, an
ferred from one brokerage to the other. I'm able
to see all of the historic basis values at the new brokerage site for
all the funds. One less thing to worry about.
On 2023-07-05 15:48, David Carlson wrote:
Yes, to keep GnuCash happy you want to transfer the cost basis as well as
the s
the date of the transfer itself which would have no
impact on any reporting.
-Original Message-
From: David Carlson
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 1:08 PM
To: f...@mandfb.me.uk
Cc: AC ; gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: Re: [GNC] Transferring mutual funds
Fred implied, but didn't el
On 2023-07-06 19:09, R Losey wrote:
If it's truly some kind of rollover, Gnucash does allow an exchange of
shares without a price. But I don't know how you'd keep the cost basis in
the new account.
On Wed, Jul 5, 2023 at 5:49 PM David Carlson
Yes, to keep GnuCash happ
Just as a curiosity what is going on under the hood that influences the
delay after entering data into a register row? I notice that after I
enter the details of a transaction into a register and commit the
changes (pressing enter or tabbing to next row) there is a 5 to 7 second
delay before I
ssume you've run the Check/Repair just to verify that there isn't some
file problem?
On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 12:00 AM AC wrote:
Just as a curiosity what is going on under the hood that influences the
delay after entering data into a register row? I notice that after I
enter the detai
action data ... just enough to annoy me as I don't
notice it with any other software.
I just put it down to the gnucash software, and not my hardware. For example I
run MS Office 2021 software without noticeable delays while inputting.
-Original Message-
From: gnucash-user On
rly? and why are
you running such an old version of Gnucash in that machine?
Thanking you.
On Sun, 5 May 2024 at 21:57, AC wrote:
No, I do mean 128 GB RAM. Storage is 20 TB locally and 160 TB on the
network (but the data for Gnucash is stored on the local disks). It's
one of th
On 2019-01-19 12:32, David Cousens wrote:
> Have you tried any of the suggestions in the above posts? If so what were the
> results?
> There won't be a magic solution and no-one is going to be able to diagnose
> the problem without additional information or if it really gets desperate a
> copy o
On 2019-02-01 10:01, Maf. King wrote:
> On Friday, 1 February 2019 09:27:29 GMT Chris wrote:
>> Dear GnuCash community,
>> I recently installed the Android app for the first time and played
>> around with it. I noticed two things that I am not sure about and wanted
>> to ask your opinion/advice.
On 2019-02-01 11:42, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
> I forget which O/S you are on. The config-user.scm goes into my
> $HOME/.config/gnucash folder. The other three go into
> $HOME/.local/share/gnucash folder.
He's using the Android application
On 2019-04-10 23:48, ToddAndMargo via gnucash-user wrote:
> So, do I set up two account for every credit card? Will
> the link cover this?
You set up one account for the card (Liabilities: Credit Card), one for
the bank (Assets: Bank) and then you have as many set up as you want for
LWP apparently will also self report a 500 status if the connection
fails for any reason. The first suggestion would be to add lots of
debugging to the perl script to dump its internal state at various
points and also snoop on the connection.
I would also check to see if the malfunctioning router
On 2019-04-17 20:00, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> And I also agree that the GnuCash defaults of informal labels and Basic View
> are much simpler to comprehend.
> However, once someone encounters a situation where they don’t understand
> ’transfer’ account or the nature of double-entry, problems
On 2019-06-16 15:12, Maf. King wrote:
> On Sunday, 16 June 2019 23:06:34 BST Adrien Monteleone wrote:
>> I think I might be understanding #2 more. The list is passing on your
>> message, and it looks like it is routing through gnucash.org instead of
>> directly from you. (which technically is true)
Another shot in the dark:
I don't know how you scored an Arris modem with static IPs (I have the
annoying AT&T/2Wire HGV3801 for my statics) but I found that heavy
traffic filled the very small memory for the CONNTRACK connection
tracking table which would cause massive packet loss. In the HGV, a
On 2017-11-21 00:46, David Carlson wrote:
> Moira,
> The lock file is always in the same folder as the data file and it always
> has the same name as the data file with the suffix .LCK Unless you are
> doing something very unusual, the files will be visible in your file
> explorer as long as yo
No, he's talking about GnuCash Portable which is a copy of GnuCash
modified and packaged with all the necessary libraries to be able to run
directly from a memory stick or other portable storage device without
having to install the libraries. It's packaged by PortableApps.com.
On 2017-12-06 20:21
You misspelled AUTO_INCREMENT (note the underscore character).
On 2017-12-17 23:03, Wolfgang Paul Rauchholz wrote:
> My config:
> Linux CENTOS 7, mariadb-5.5.56-2.el7.x86_64
> Setting up the database on my home server. Will connect fomr laptops in the
> network onto mariadb.
> When trying t
You need to reply to all to make this back to the mailing list.
Forwarding for the list.
Thanks for hint. This is form the webpage https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/SQL
Maybe somebody can correct this?
On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 8:30 AM, AC mailto:gnuc...@acarver.net>> wrote:
Are the quick keys for date entry in the register part of a GTK file
that can be edited or a compiled-in feature? (These are the use of +/-,
[/] T, M/H, Y/R). I wanted to add one that increments or decrements in
one week increments.
gnucash-user mai
particular feature is operating-system dependent, but shift + and shift -
> give me one-week increments and decrements in 2.6.16 on Mac OS X.
> Best,
> John
>> On Jan 6, 2018, at 11:00 PM, AC wrote:
>> Are the quick keys for date entry in the register par
I was just entering mutual funds into one of my accounts and the balance
column now has a blank space for the last transaction (currently using
version 2.6.3)
I've deleted the transaction and added it again with no luck.
The only thing unusual in my case is that I added a different namespace
I deleted all the offending transactions and restarted Gnucash. After
that it started working again. So it probably is a very subtle bug but
how it gets tripped I have no clue. The OS is Win 7. I've seen this
happen once before in version 2.4 but it cleared up without a restart in
that case. T
On 2018-01-12 08:19, Jack Slater wrote:
> And a thought while I'm asking - 2 time saving capabilities in Quicken were:
> 1 - in NUM cell - type "n" would lookup prior check entry and populate that
> number + 1.
> 2 - in DATE cell - type "t" would enter today's date
1: Type "+" (the plus si
I was looking at some of my loans and wanted to get an idea of how much
I paid in interest to each loan over their life. I've got one account
that collects the amount of loan interest every time I pay (as part of a
split transaction) while the principal portion of the payment goes to
the specific
> On 16 Jan 2018 11:54 AM, "AC" wrote:
>> I was looking at some of my loans and wanted to get an idea of how much
>> I paid in interest to each loan over their life. I've got one account
>> that collects the amount of loan interest every time I pay
You could use
> that as the filter, though I would think the memo field would suffice.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 15, 2018, at 10:29 PM, AC wrote:
>> No, that didn't work. It still pulls the interest payments from
>> multiple loans an
would take way too long to do it so it's not worth the
time to refactor that many accounts for a off-the-cuff experiment.
On 2018-01-15 23:37, David T. wrote:
> AC,
> I went a different way. I created Subaccounts for each grouping I wanted to
> track. So, if I want to track interest o
On 2018-01-16 05:48, Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
> On 1/16/2018 3:04 AM, AC wrote:
>> Thanks but not exactly simple in my case as there are over 1000
>> transactions to the loan interest expense account. The report was
>> mainly for my own curiosity which is why I'd
> I did something similar on several occasions when I wanted to re-assign a
> large block of expenses to child accounts as I was refining my CoA.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Jan 16, 2018, at 7:48 AM, Mike or Penny Novack
>> wrote:
I've decided to start tracking my points on my cards because the monthly
statements do a poor job of showing me the activity. For this
application, is it better to set up the point tracking account as a
stock-type account or a currency? The value when redeemed fluctuates
but I will always know h
On 2018-02-05 16:50, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
> Try pulling up a Google Search and entering this (without the quotes) as your
> search term:
> "site:lists.gnucash.org credit card points” or something similar.
> You’ll see links to various threads here on the mailing list discussing the
> su
On 2018-03-17 10:12, Maf. King wrote:
> On Saturday, 17 March 2018 16:27:27 GMT Catscrash wrote:
>> Is no one else using / testing 2.7.6 or am I the only one with this
>> problem? Does the scrolling work for you?
>> I know, I should not expect a perfect release with the 2.7.x releases,
>> and I don
On 2018-03-27 11:15, Geert Janssens wrote:
> Op dinsdag 27 maart 2018 18:44:38 CEST schreef Stan Brown:
>> (1) Not a fan of the toolbar showing icons without words. I _hate_ an
>> interface where you have to hover over every single icon until you can find
>> the one you want.
> Not a fan of _hat
Is there a way to configure a transaction report (or any of the
available reports) to show only the debits or the credits (but not both)
of an account?
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to un
On 2018-12-10 10:10, Arnie Reeves via gnucash-user wrote:
> Tend to agree Stephen regarding the possible effects of MS updates. My
> reports have always opened within a couple of seconds, that's why I thought 1
> to 2 minutes was a crash. It would be nice for beginners to see a small text
> next
Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
charges or payments for a set of accounts? For example I want to
generate a report of all the charges made on my credit card while
excluding the payments. Using the transaction report I don't see a way
to do this.
On 2017-05-26 16:35, Maf. King wrote:
> On Friday, 26 May 2017 22:57:12 BST AC wrote:
>> Is there a way to configure any of the available reports to show only
>> charges or payments for a set of accounts? For example I want to
>> generate a report of all the charges made on
On 2017-06-16 09:35, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Adam Funk writes:
>>> Not necessarily. The "default" backend would be SQLite, which is a DB
>>> that stores into a single file. So it will act like the current XML
>>> backend in terms of storage, but not necessarily the same with backup
>>> files.
On 2017-06-17 00:07, Colin Law wrote:
> On 17 June 2017 at 02:31, AC wrote:
>> On 2017-06-16 09:35, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>> Adam Funk writes:
>>>>> Not necessarily. The "default" backend would be SQLite, which is a DB
On 2017-06-17 12:04, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jun 17, 2017, at 10:22 AM, AC > <mailto:gnuc...@acarver.net>> wrote:
>> On 2017-06-17 00:07, Colin Law wrote:
>>> On 17 June 2017 at 02:31, AC >> <mailto:gnuc...@acarver.net>> wrote:
On 2017-06-30 14:01, m...@considine.net wrote:
[recovery snipped]
In an emergency, since you're on a linux box, you should consider
ddrescue as an option to recover data from the disk. I have
successfully used it to recover entire hard drives that were having
mechanical failures. You can recover
I want to start tracking my TIAA retirement portfolio for informational
purposes (no reporting needs, filings, etc.) but I need some suggestions
on structuring the account trees so that it doesn't affect my existing
accounts. However, possibly later I'll edit things so that the paycheck
tions, the dollars go into the cash account, and a
> separate purchase transaction moves the cash into fund shares. It's a little
> cumbersome, but it allows me to ensure that the right numbers get in.
> HTH,
> David
> On Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 8:38, AC
by finance-quote. I download transactions
> once a month from the TIAA site.
> To keep things organized I have separate income accounts for tax sheltered
> income and taxed income. Transactions
> under the Retirement account only affect the tax sheltered income accounts.
On 2017-07-26 12:17, Eric Siegerman wrote:
> (Lost the attribution; sorry):
>> Assets:TIAA (cash)
>> Assets:TIAA:Lifecycle 1 (commodity)
>> Assets:TIAA:Lifecycle 2 (commodity)
>> Assets:TIAA:TIAA Mutual Fund (commodity)
> I've never heard of TIAA before, but from what's been said, I
> infer that
On 2017-08-01 08:30, John Ralls wrote:
> The date range is selected on the general tab of report options. You'll find
> a convenient button in the report toolbar for opening that dialog.
> 1899 is a weird value. Have you set an accounting period?
Windows uses 1/1/1900 as the first second
I need to do a search-and-replace to change one of the sides of a split
from one account to another but only for specific transactions that meet
a criteria. I was trying xml.etree but it did not write out the
namespace correctly so is there another XML library that supports XPath
searching as w
85 matches
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