2022-04-13 Thread davidbrown.rdps
Tuesday 12 April 22 Report Configuration I note that changing the type of report heading and footer text is completed through the menu bar . Edit>Style Sheets ... I choose Easy ... and wait. When producing a report for say "Half Year" and change the "Prepared for:" option, or change the

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation discrepancies

2022-04-13 Thread John Layman
I've been using GnuCash for 12 years and have rarely had a reconcile discrepancy that could be blamed on the software (that was a date bug that reared its head a while back - quickly corrected). And the incidence of error on the bank's part has been extremely rare. Most occasions when I've encoun

Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions feature or bug?

2022-04-13 Thread John Layman
Note that ticking a box on the 'Scheduled Transactions Since Last Run' panel will create a tab showing any transactions that fire. From there, it's a simple matter to delete any that are extraneous. -Original Message- From: gnucash-user On Behalf Of Glenn Fowler Sent: Tuesday, April 12,

Re: [GNC] Reconciliation discrepancies

2022-04-13 Thread Jean Laroche
One potential source of problem is banks that mess up the unique identifier of downloaded transactions. In my case Citibank is inconsistent in assigning a unique and constant FITID for each transaction. So if I re-download transactions, there's a chance that the FITID of a previously downloaded

Re: [GNC] Scheduled transactions feature or bug?

2022-04-13 Thread Stan Brown
On 2022-04-12 19:57, Adrien Monteleone wrote: > There might be very good reasons why someone would pause an SX and want > it to fill-in past instances after un-pausing. Testing, troubleshooting, > verifying something, trial scenarios, et cetera come to mind off the top > of my head. Agreed, and

[GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2022-04-13 Thread Gyle McCollam
I have a different question about SX. I had an insurance policy with 10 payments. Last year's payments are complete and the SX show never for the next scheduled payment. I want to set up a transaction for the next year without deleting last year's and creating a new transaction. I modified t

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2022-04-13 Thread Fred Bone
On 13 April 2022 at 15:38, Gyle McCollam said: > I have a different question about SX. I had an insurance policy with 10 > payments. Last year's payments are complete and the SX show never for the > next scheduled payment. I want to set up a transaction for the next year > without deleting last

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transactions

2022-04-13 Thread Gyle McCollam
Thanks Fred, I don't know how I missed that, but it worked. Thank You, Gyle McCollam Gyle McCollam 609.680.2326 Mobile email From: gnucash-user on behalf of Fred Bone Sent: We


2022-04-13 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You can define (add) style sheets for each special instance and tie them to a saved configuration. You can also achieve some of the same results using the General Tab of most reports with or without involving saved configurations. (thus the rest of the style sheet stays the same) You can als

Re: [GNC] Gnucash reports produce blank page

2022-04-13 Thread Tommy Trussell
On Wed, Apr 13, 2022 at 1:22 AM wrote: > All of a sudden all my reports, > both default and custom reports, render a blank page. I am not aware of > having made any changes to GnuCash itself but have run 'apt update and > upgrade' of the OS. (Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 64-bit Gnome > version

Re: [GNC] Gnucash reports produce blank page

2022-04-13 Thread karlj . sommer
Thanks Tommy,  the offender appears to be indeed an update of webkit2gtk-4.0.  I found the solution in a post by John Ralls (31 March). He suggested the following work-around:  Set WEBKIT_DISABLE_COMPOSITING_MODE=1 in the environment before running GnuCash. It worked for me  So thanks to both