Hello John/Andrian,
It is pretty heavy for me, non IT. Please work out so we have options in
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gnucash-user mailing list
Success! Thanks.
> Dang. OK, I know what step I missed and I double checked to make sure
> they're there this time.
> Gnucash-Intel-4.1-4.dmg, sha256:
> 9c3685e79027d12b370e9fa79a569f7c532968be91ecfd3b81660d39abe50ab3
> Regards, John Ralls
> > On Aug 18, 2020, at 6:16 PM, Frederick Ba
I'd given up on 'dark mode' registers in Gnucash some time ago. It was
difficult to read and I resigned myself to setting 'Use Gnucash built in
color theme' in Preferences>Register. Otherwise I use the Arc Dark theme
system-wide in Debian Bullseye.
But I was pleasantly surprised to discover that d
On 19/08/2020 16:29, boldstripe wrote:
I would use this as my default (and may experiment further with it) but for
one thing (so far): the text colors when an entry is highlighted make the
entries difficult to read because of low contrast.
You could try playing with these css settings. Just
Here is what I've come up with 4..01 gtk.css
/* Application wide font setting */
* {
font: 16px arial;
/* Register sheet font setting */
gnc-id-sheet {
font: 16px arial;
.gnc-class-user-register-primary {
background-color: #753535;
color: lime;
I'm getting a crash when I try to import transactions from a CSV and
am hoping someone can help. Here are the gory details.
OS is Windows 10.
Gnucash version gnucash-4.1-2020-08-01-git-4.1-12-g12ab85fa6+ works fine.
All subsequent versions through ...08-15... show the following behavior:
Job costing, as covered in accounting textbooks and as implemented in some
software versions including desktop Quickbooks Pro (but not in some other
versions of Quickbooks), is not available in GnuCash. Job costing allows a
construction business, say, to track expenses associated with each separat
Let's say I have a security - could be a stock, or a bond - which
periodically yields some dividend or interest. Often it's convenient to be
able to see those dividends in a single register.
The vanilla way to account for dividends or interest doesn't quite make
this easy: the obvious way to do i