Hi. Just ran into this problem too. gnucash is successfully communicating
with Schwab OFX server. It returns the correct accounts I have with Schwab.
Just get no transactions to download message.
Just checking to make sure brokerage account sync doesn't work at all with
Thanks in adva
I decided that it was time to update my quotes post-Yahoo.
I found this: https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Online_Quotes which seems
to be up-to-date.
My system is a Debian based distro so I already have Perl installed and
F::Q. gnc-fq-check show that I have v1.47 installed.
gnc-fq-update is not ins
You need to set up an Alphavantage account and change your data file to use
that source. See <
David C
On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Steve wrote:
> I decided that it was time to update my quotes post-Yahoo.
Hi John,
Thanks. Executing that command gives:
/Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnc-fq-dump currency "CHF"
1 CHF = 1.00156244 USD
so all looks good on the alphavantage side.
Thanks for the bug-link. Indeed, I have a number of securities (but no
Am 19.05.2018 um 22:05 schrieb Geert Janssens:
>> Do you think the 'select all' should be a menu item in a drop down (say the
>> reconcile top level menu?) or on the menu bar as a stand alone button?
> I would prefer to add it to the reconcile top level menu.
Because it is a standard edi