Please reply to all so it goes to the list where others can see it and help.
It has been several years since I did my major import via QIF and now I
almost never use that format so I have lost track of the details of how
matching is accomplished in that importer.
It may be necessary to im
You do not mention important details that are needed to give a definitive
answer, but assuming that you followed the a likely path, you exported
transactions from your Quicken file in QIF format then imported them into
GnuCash in the same format.
The QIF format creates a data section for each acco
Just installed and imported a quicken file. after import, one of my checking
accounts on;y shows deposits made from another checking account. It does not
show checks od debits.
Any idea why
Frankie Raney
12454 Auberry Rd.
Clovis, Ca.
559.297.8577 H
559.304.1751 C
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