To all of you that responded.  Thanks and your time and instructions are most 
appreciated.  Stay safe and Healthy.  Nick
> On Feb 11, 2021, at 8:16 AM, wrote:
> Send gnucash-user mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of gnucash-user digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  Non-Scheduled Transaction ??? (Adrien Monteleone)
>   2. Re:  Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report (doncram)
>   3. Re:  Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report (Adrien Monteleone)
>   4. Re:  Non-Scheduled Transaction ??? (David Carlson)
>   5. Re:  Transaction Report Question (Gareth Davies)
>   6. Re:  Filtering reports on contents of Memo field (Michael Hendry)
>   7. Re:  Transaction Report Question (
>   8. Re:  flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly (Geert Janssens)
>   9.  FOLLOW-UP Re: Credit Card payment pop-up doesn't appear on
>      *some* credit card accounts after reconcile (Robert Stocker)
>  10. Re:  flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly (Elmar)
>  11. Re:  flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly (Geert Janssens)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 21:13:40 -0600
> From: Adrien Monteleone <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Non-Scheduled Transaction ???
> Message-ID: <s027d4$eqe$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> That indeed appears confusing.
> I'm going to hazard a guess that it means there are none for you to 
> review prior to creation, absent auto-creation.
> (do a test SX, set to not auto-create, then run the dialog. It should 
> show it to you as 'to create')
> Perhaps it should read, "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be 
> manually entered at this time. (one transaction automatically created)"
> That would likely get fixed in the next release if you file a bug on it. 
> It seems just a matter of wording.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 2/10/21 8:54 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
>> I'm still on Version: 3.10 Build ID: 3.10+(2020-04-11) on Ubuntu 20.10.
>> Did not go looking for the thread in which this was mentioned.
>> This evening when I popped GnC open, it reported:? "There are no 
>> Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time.? (One transaction 
>> automatically created)."
>> Screen
>> Was only given the option to Close the information window.? I did check 
>> the general journal and a scheduled transaction for 15 days out was 
>> created.? I checked that scheduled transaction and it was set to be 
>> created 15 days out (which would have been today).
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 21:57:53 -0700
> From: doncram <>
> To: Adrien Monteleone <>
> Cc: GnuCash List <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> "GnuCash does have a Cash Flow report, but it is more general...."  *No,
> GnuCash does not have anything like the normal Statement of Cash Flows*
> expected by financial statements users.  A statement of cash flows is
> supposed to identify sources and uses of what would otherwise be "cash"
> (liquid funds) during a given period.  Operations, vs. Financing, vs.
> Investing.  So that a potential investor or lendor or whomever could
> understand better what is going on with the firm.  With a standard type of
> report that would show, in the Operations area, how much went into building
> inventory, or reducing accounts payable, or allowing accounts receivable to
> increase (presumably to support sales revenues).  Or how much "cash" was
> derived from reducing inventory (selling down stock without replacing it),
> increasing accounts payable (causing future problems), or forcing an
> increase in collections from customers (driving down sales), for example.
> What GnuCash offers is something total different, which I don't see as
> useful for any financial statement users that I know, which is a report on
> totals of transactions in vs. out of any group of balance sheet accounts
> (so I think one could get it to report on total $ inflows and outflows out
> of a group.
> But, it simply doesn't capture many (most?) transactions that matter.
> Suppose the firm acquired $100k amount of inventory by a new line of credit
> with a supplier.  That should show as $100k usage of cash in operations,
> and $100k source of cash in financing.  Which GnuCash simply won't show;  I
> don't know what GnuCash's report would be useful for at all.
> I think it would be fairly simple for GnuCash to be adapted to provide
> normal Statement of Cash Flows reporting, but it simply does not do that.
> Calling what GnuCash does as "more general" is misleading.
> Hope this helps
> Don Cram
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 11:38 AM Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
>> You are in the right place.
>> Let's take these in order:
>> #1 Categories/Accounts
>> GnuCash uses Accounts, not Categories, but you can think of them as
>> roughly equivalent for what you are likely using them for in CheckBook Pro.
>> #2 QIF Import
>> I don't use this import myself, but I *think* if you don't have an
>> account created, you either get the option to, or it is done for you.
>> Perhaps someone who regularly uses QIF can shed more light.
>> I'd advise that the import will probably go a bit smoother if you create
>> your Accounts when you first set up your GnuCash book. (if you miss a
>> few no big deal, but try to get that done first if you can)
>> #3 Balance Sheet
>> Yes, you can produce a Balance Sheet report. This report is not for a
>> date range, but as a snapshot in time. (this is not particular to
>> GnuCash, this is part of the definition of Balance Sheet) But you
>> certainly can produce a Balance Sheet for every month if you like. (that
>> is, different reports as of the last day of each month) There is also an
>> experimental Multi-Column Balance Sheet report that may be useful but it
>> is not presently 'comparative' with variance columns, but you can always
>> export any report to a spreadsheet and make your own modifications.
>> #4 Cash Flow
>> GnuCash does have a Cash Flow report, but it is more general than most
>> are used to (maybe more accurately titled 'Asset Flow') and is not
>> predictive without some extra work. It does report over a date range,
>> but for the entire range, not by period. (you'd need to run reports for
>> separate periods)
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> On 2/10/21 12:20 PM, E. Nick Henery wrote:
>>> Team
>>> I am new at this, so please bare with me as I learn the correct process.
>>> I am not sure If this the place to ask these questions.  If not would
>> you please direct me to the right location?
>>> I use an iMac and I use CheckBook Pro from the Apple Store to do my
>> accounting for personal and a small business.
>>> I can export a QIF file from CheckBook Pro.  My question is:  If I
>> import the QIF file from CheckBook Pro into GNUCash, will GNUCash set up
>> the account in GNUCash and use the categories I have used in CheckBook Pro?
>>> Apple Support directed me to look at GNUCash, and it looks like it will
>> do what I need.  That is; if the import of the QIF file into GNUCash is
>> successful, can I produce a Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report by month
>> over a set period (Yearly)?
>>> If I am in the wrong place to ask these questions; I apologize for any
>> inconvenience I cause.  Thanks Nick
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>> gnucash-user mailing list
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>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 23:12:52 -0600
> From: Adrien Monteleone <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Report
> Message-ID: <s02ecl$1244$>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> I *never* said it has a 'Statement of Cash Flows' report. Please re-read 
> my post.
> I'm the one who filed the bug on that point.
> I had proposed in that bug, what I thought, was a reasonable suggestion 
> to accomplish one, but the devs see it otherwise. (I'm not the one doing 
> the coding, so I'm certainly not going to press the point)
> A "Statement of Cash Flows" appears to be out-of-scope for GnuCash as it 
> is likely required by firms that in all probability would not be using 
> GnuCash, and instead, be using a proprietary high-end or custom package. 
> GnuCash is not targeted or designed for such firms.
> The report that GnuCash does include is certainly poorly named. (this 
> has been discussed before, in that bug report if I recall, but no action 
> has been taken to clean it up)
> It can be used to show movement or 'flows' from or into one or more 
> accounts and the source or destination of those flows. I don't care for 
> the default options much, but with some careful crafting and selection 
> of accounts, one can indeed see a personal 'cash flow' report.
> As I mentioned though, without additional gymnastics, what so many other 
> packages provide: a view of change in cash over time by period, is not 
> available. (at least not by the 'Cash Flow' name. With careful planning, 
> the 'Budget Flow' might get you close)
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 2/10/21 10:57 PM, doncram wrote:
>> "GnuCash does have a Cash Flow report, but it is more general...."  *No,
>> GnuCash does not have anything like the normal Statement of Cash Flows*
>> expected by financial statements users.  A statement of cash flows is
>> supposed to identify sources and uses of what would otherwise be "cash"
>> (liquid funds) during a given period.  Operations, vs. Financing, vs.
>> Investing.  So that a potential investor or lendor or whomever could
>> understand better what is going on with the firm.  With a standard type of
>> report that would show, in the Operations area, how much went into building
>> inventory, or reducing accounts payable, or allowing accounts receivable to
>> increase (presumably to support sales revenues).  Or how much "cash" was
>> derived from reducing inventory (selling down stock without replacing it),
>> increasing accounts payable (causing future problems), or forcing an
>> increase in collections from customers (driving down sales), for example.
>> What GnuCash offers is something total different, which I don't see as
>> useful for any financial statement users that I know, which is a report on
>> totals of transactions in vs. out of any group of balance sheet accounts
>> (so I think one could get it to report on total $ inflows and outflows out
>> of a group.
>> But, it simply doesn't capture many (most?) transactions that matter.
>> Suppose the firm acquired $100k amount of inventory by a new line of credit
>> with a supplier.  That should show as $100k usage of cash in operations,
>> and $100k source of cash in financing.  Which GnuCash simply won't show;  I
>> don't know what GnuCash's report would be useful for at all.
>> I think it would be fairly simple for GnuCash to be adapted to provide
>> normal Statement of Cash Flows reporting, but it simply does not do that.
>> Calling what GnuCash does as "more general" is misleading.
>> Hope this helps
>> Don Cram
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 00:30:20 -0600
> From: David Carlson <>
> To: Adrien Monteleone <>
> Cc: GnuCash List <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Non-Scheduled Transaction ???
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> So that is the pop-up that announces that some scheduled transaction(s)
> were created.  I have never seen that in my case, but I always use the
> Review Created transactions check box in the SLR assistant and the remind
> in advance option in the SX editor except for a few that are not created in
> advance.  In Stephen Butler's case he found the created transaction in it's
> home register.  There is still a mystery about transactions that seem to
> have been created in advance for a couple of users but not appeared in
> their proper register views
> Tonight, in my release 3.8 in Ubuntu Build ID: 3.8b+(2019-12-29), I looked
> at the Help manual and found that it failed to describe how the edit SX
> options affected the SLR assistant behavior, particularly the notify me
> when created check box.  Tomorrow I hope to create some test SX's to see
> how those work.
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 9:14 PM Adrien Monteleone <
>> wrote:
>> That indeed appears confusing.
>> I'm going to hazard a guess that it means there are none for you to
>> review prior to creation, absent auto-creation.
>> (do a test SX, set to not auto-create, then run the dialog. It should
>> show it to you as 'to create')
>> Perhaps it should read, "There are no Scheduled Transactions to be
>> manually entered at this time. (one transaction automatically created)"
>> That would likely get fixed in the next release if you file a bug on it.
>> It seems just a matter of wording.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>> On 2/10/21 8:54 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
>>> I'm still on Version: 3.10 Build ID: 3.10+(2020-04-11) on Ubuntu 20.10.
>>> Did not go looking for the thread in which this was mentioned.
>>> This evening when I popped GnC open, it reported:  "There are no
>>> Scheduled Transactions to be entered at this time.  (One transaction
>>> automatically created)."
>>> Screen
>>> Was only given the option to Close the information window.  I did check
>>> the general journal and a scheduled transaction for 15 days out was
>>> created.  I checked that scheduled transaction and it was set to be
>>> created 15 days out (which would have been today).
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information.
>> -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> -- 
> David Carlson
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 11:32:58 +0000
> From: Gareth Davies <>
> To:,
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transaction Report Question
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> ?Thanks, for the reply Adrien,
> I think I have tried every tick box without having any luck.
> It looks like I will have to accept it as it is for now, but I will keep on 
> trying.
> Regards,
> Gareth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gnucash-user 
> <> On Behalf Of 
> Adrien Monteleone
> Sent: 29 January 2021 01:21
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transaction Report Question
> Sounds like you need to fiddle with the Sort tab options.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/28/21 3:25 PM, Gareth Davies via gnucash-user wrote:
>> Windows 10   Gnucash 4.4
>> Hi,
>> My Laptop died on me and although everything was backed up the Transaction 
>> Reports I had saved were lost.
>> I have installed Ver 4.4 on my new laptop, but when I create a Transaction 
>> Report it will not let me list the dates in order under the Payee?s name.
>> With the previous version the dates were in order, so I don?t know if this 
>> is because I am not ticking in the correct boxes or not.
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -----
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 11:32:55 +0000
> From: Michael Hendry <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Filtering reports on contents of Memo field
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;     charset=utf-8
>> On 11 Feb 2021, at 00:36, Adrien Monteleone <> 
>> wrote:
>> Transaction Report, not Account Report.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
> Thanks, Adrian.
> D?oh!
> I don?t know why I?ve never used the Transaction Report before, it provides 
> all the sorting and totalling I need (by intended destination for reports to 
> the club, and by member?s name for Gift Aid).
> It has also revealed that I didn?t need to use the ?M: name? in the memo 
> field, as ?name" on its own is quite enough. And if I?m inconsistent in the 
> spelling or format of the name, or leave the name out altogether, this will 
> be revealed by the Transaction Report when sorted in Memo order.
> Marvellous! What a boon this list is.
> Michael
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 10:10:39 -0000
> From: <>
> To: <>, <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transaction Report Question
> Message-ID: <04de01d7005e$2837a460$78a6ed20$>
> Content-Type: text/plain;     charset="utf-8"
> Thanks, for the reply Adrien,
> I think I have tried every tick box without having any luck.
> It looks like I will have to accept it as it is for now, but I will keep on 
> trying.
> Regards,
> Gareth
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gnucash-user 
> <> On Behalf Of 
> Adrien Monteleone
> Sent: 29 January 2021 01:21
> To:
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Transaction Report Question
> Sounds like you need to fiddle with the Sort tab options.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On 1/28/21 3:25 PM, Gareth Davies via gnucash-user wrote:
>> Windows 10   Gnucash 4.4
>> Hi,
>> My Laptop died on me and although everything was backed up the Transaction 
>> Reports I had saved were lost.
>> I have installed Ver 4.4 on my new laptop, but when I create a Transaction 
>> Report it will not let me list the dates in order under the Payee?s name.
>> With the previous version the dates were in order, so I don?t know if this 
>> is because I am not ticking in the correct boxes or not.
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-user mailing list
> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see 
> for more information.
> -----
> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 09:59:29 +0100
> From: Geert Janssens <>
> To: Elmar <>,, Derek Atkins
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly
> Message-ID: <4601701.gxafrqv...@legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Op donderdag 11 februari 2021 03:42:52 CET schreef Christopher Lam:
>> Scheme backtraces are usually found at
>> but if flatpak hides them somewhere
>> obscure you can dump onto console via "gnucash --logto=stdout". See
> The default trace file location on flatpak doesn't work indeed. By default 
> the 
> trace file will be written in /tmp and that folder is treated special by 
> flatpak. The details aren't clear to me yet, but it's indeed safer to  add 
> the 
> --logto option. You are free to use a file name there (for example "$HOME/
> gnucash.trace") or stdout.
> Note for completeness to start the flatpak edition of gnucash you'll probably 
> have to  invoke something more like this:
> flatpak run org.GnuCash.gnucash --logto="path-to-log-to-or-stdout"
> Regards,
> Geert
>> On Thu, 11 Feb 2021, 6:29 am Elmar, <> wrote:
>>> The sequence of events was that I had been running 3.8, but somehow it
>>> started to fail badly, with CTD.  So I uninstalled that one and
>>> reinstalled the one from the Mint repository, which was 2.6.19.  All
>>> seemed well. I tried to reinstall 3.6 and then 3.8, then 3.11, but the
>>> installs failed in weird ways, which I didn't bother to document - my
>>> goal was to get to 4.4 anyway.  So I gave up and grabbed the flatpak of
>>> 4.4.  In all these versions, going up and down, the data file remained
>>> perfect, and once I moved the "guts" of my aqbanking folder (archived
>>> from version 3.8) into the correct folder for 4.4, my online banking
>>> (downloads of transactions) also worked perfectly, and continue to
>>> work.  The "guts" of the gnucash folder (the one holding the reports
>>> templates) when copied from the 3.8 archive into the correct 4.4 folder
>>> (under .var) seemed to go smoothly, and all my reports showed up fine,
>>> and they run fine.  I just cannot edit or delete any one of them without
>>> a CTD, and have to delete the settings6 folder to get them to show up
>>> again.  All check and repair seems to do is look for imbalances across
>>> the selected accounts, and it finds no problems.  It doesn't touch
>>> report or online templates as far as I can see. So, as I said, my only
>>> problem are editing my reports (running them works), and I see no way to
>>> edit/resave them, since I CTD as soon as I try.
>>> On 2/10/21 5:13 PM, David H wrote:
>>>> Elmar,
>>>> Can I ask how you went from 2.6.19 to 4.4 flatpak?  ... For the
>>>> reports you may have to open each and re-save the config after the 2.8
>>>> update, I don't know.
>>>> Cheers David H.
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> gnucash-user mailing list
>>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
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>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> _______________________________________________
>> gnucash-user mailing list
>> To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
>> If you are using Nabble or Gmane, please see
>> for more information. -----
>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:55:56 -0500
> From: Robert Stocker <>
> To: Gnucash Users <>
> Subject: [GNC] FOLLOW-UP Re: Credit Card payment pop-up doesn't appear
>       on *some* credit card accounts after reconcile
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> One of four statements has reconciled WITH the expected payment pop-up.
> Alas, I never managed to keep track of which ones behaved correctly and
> which didn't, so I'll have to wait until the first of the month to be 100%
> sure, but we're off to a good start.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 07:58:29 -0500
> From: Elmar <>
> To: Geert Janssens <>,
>, Derek Atkins <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Trying "flatpak run org.GnuCash.gnucash --logto=$HOME/gnucash.trace"
> does not invoke the program and instead gives me
> "error: app/org.GnuCash.gnucash/x86_64/master not installed"
> Which is very odd, since it runs from the menu system fine.
> - Elmar
> On 2/11/21 3:59 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
>> The default trace file location on flatpak doesn't work indeed. By  > 
>> default the trace file will be written in /tmp and that folder is > 
> treated special by flatpak. The details aren't clear to me yet, but > 
> it's indeed safer to add the --logto option. You are free to use a > 
> file name there (for example "$HOME/ gnucash.trace") or stdout. > > Note 
> for completeness to start the flatpak edition of gnucash you'll > 
> probably have to invoke something more like this: flatpak run > 
> org.GnuCash.gnucash --logto="path-to-log-to-or-stdout" > > Regards, > > 
> Geert >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2021 15:16:38 +0100
> From: Geert Janssens <>
> To:, Derek Atkins <>
> Cc: Christopher Lam <>, Elmar
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [GNC] flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly
> Message-ID: <12707367.ulzwgnk...@legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> In that case the first thing to do is to figure out how exactly your system 
> calls the flatpak version of gnucash. There are quite a few subtle details 
> that may affect this.
> You can examine the menu entry to figure out what command is being run 
> exactly.
> Out of curiosity have you been removing installed flatpaks manually by 
> deleting associated directories ? The error suggests flatpak believes a 
> version of gnucash (master) is installed on your system while it appears not 
> to.
> Regards,
> Geert
> Op donderdag 11 februari 2021 13:58:29 CET schreef Elmar:
>> Trying "flatpak run org.GnuCash.gnucash --logto=$HOME/gnucash.trace"
>> does not invoke the program and instead gives me
>> "error: app/org.GnuCash.gnucash/x86_64/master not installed"
>> Which is very odd, since it runs from the menu system fine.
>> - Elmar
>> On 2/11/21 3:59 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:
>>> The default trace file location on flatpak doesn't work indeed. By  >
>>> default the trace file will be written in /tmp and that folder is >
>> treated special by flatpak. The details aren't clear to me yet, but >
>> it's indeed safer to add the --logto option. You are free to use a >
>> file name there (for example "$HOME/ gnucash.trace") or stdout. > > Note
>> for completeness to start the flatpak edition of gnucash you'll >
>> probably have to invoke something more like this: flatpak run >
>> org.GnuCash.gnucash --logto="path-to-log-to-or-stdout" > > Regards, > >
>> Geert >
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> ------------------------------
> End of gnucash-user Digest, Vol 215, Issue 26
> *********************************************

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