In addition to David's suggestion of doing a Find followed by an Account
Report, you can use the Transaction Report as you noted with the text
you want to filter on via the Transaction Filter on the Filter tab in
the report Options.
Each report will give you the desired transactions, but they
Great - thanks for the prompt and on-target response! I've used Ctrl-F
on many occasions but just didn't know that the "Search Results" tab
could then be turned into a Report so easily.
David Carlson wrote on 6/26/2024 10:58 AM:
You are right, it is simple. In fact, y
You are right, it is simple. In fact, you almost gave away the answer in
your question. Start by selecting the desired account register. Then use
the Find function (Ctrl-F) to find all the transactions that meet your
desired criteria. If you want to limit it to a certain time range choose
I'm trying to get a report from Gnucash that will display (and produce
a sum of) all instances of a particular transaction in a single
account. For example, I want to go to my checking account and see all
instances of "payroll" - a repeated transaction that takes place