From the Wiki FAQ:
"Important: When moving from one major release to another, you are
advised to run "Check & Repair" when opening the file for the first time
in the new release. Specifically when running it after moving to a new
major release, it may address data format issues that t
2020 19:37
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade from version 2 to version 4
The upgrade process is outlined here:
You'll want to first upgrade to a 2.6 release, likely 2.6.21 as i
The upgrade process is outlined here:
You'll want to first upgrade to a 2.6 release, likely 2.6.21 as it was
the last 2.6 version and can read 3.0 files in case you have to step back.
After the upgrade, op
On 8/14/20 5:30 AM, wrote:
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4.
I need to do exactly the same thing. Version 2.4.x to Version 4; once
there is stability and a well worn pathway. The last (3) years of data,
has not been entered, due
You didn't say which version '2' you upgraded from. Let's say it was 2.4.x
The supported upgrade path would be: 2.4.x -> 2.6.x -> 3.0 -> 4.0 (the
scheme changed with 3.0)
Skipping versions (such as 2.4 ---> 4.0) is not supported.
You should also perform Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repa
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4. All seems to have went
well until I saw that no deposits have been transferred to version 4 since
August 2016. This has a knock on effect on the reconciliations. I record
every transaction faithfully each day and reconciled