Well, the spirit is willing, but as a practical matter I think it would
be better if someone more familiar with the website(s) did it. I've
never succeeded in forming a mental map of how the website(s) are
Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
On 2023-08-06 21:18, Adr
That's good to know Stan.
That would be some good info for the FAQ on upgrading if you have the
time to add it.
If not, maybe someone else here can.
On 8/6/23 11:33 AM, Stan Brown (using GC 4.14) wrote:
On 2023-08-04 17:05, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21/3.11/4.14) wrote:
On 2023-08-04 17:05, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21/3.11/4.14) wrote:
> The main point of this is a possible solution to a problem someone else
> reported a few days ago. [Namely, upgrading to 4.14 from 3.x, then running
> 4.14 and having GC not
open the last-used book. I'm in Windows 10 and Windows
The main point of this is a possible solution to a problem someone else
reported a few days ago. You may want to skip the next two paragraphs,
which are about my own journey of updating GC, if you want to get right
to the meat.
I'm on Windows 10, upgrading from 2.6.19 to 5.x, one major version at
TL;DR version:
Thanks, Adrien, for your detailed response. With your help all of the
problems that I mentioned are now resolved. Of my two data files, one
has been through 3.11 Check and Repair and the other is going through it
Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
On 2023-08-
On 8/4/23 10:49 AM, Stan Brown (using GC 2.6.21) wrote:
When I ran GC 3.11 it opened the last-used file, but:
* There's only an Accounts tab, not any of the other tabs I previously
had open.
* The Accounts tab has forgotten my chosen columns.
* The accounts tree is collapsed to Assets, Expenses,
I'm on Windows 10, upgrading from 2.6.19 to 5.x, one major version at a
time. The upgrade to 2.6.21 went fine, including test reports and Check
& Repair All.
I then cloned the virtual machine, opened the clone, and ran the 3.11
installer. It prompted me for permission to remove 2.6.21, and there
Hi JeffI had a similar issue with reports on GNC 4.11 when Ubuntu got an
update when I was running 22.04.Although, when I ran the report and the display
screen was blank, I ran the output to PDF and the report data was populated.
I understand reports use webkitgkt file to produce reports.To fix
Came home to find my Ubuntu server, where GNC and all of my books are,
saying there was an upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04.1 LTS. Like
an idiot I didn't check it, just clicked do it, it's an LTS upgrade
After several hours it finished. I opened what was GNC 4.10 FlatPak
While Windows is not the only OS that suddenly develops amnesia regarding
identification of USB memory keys, it is often a prime suspect. The
recovery method is to use your file manager to locate the correct USB
device, find the correct folder within, then right click or double click
the correct f
I am using Windows 10. I installed the new version of GnuCash that was
recommended below. Now, when I try to open GnuCash, it can not find my files.
I get a box that opens that is titled Unsaved Book - GnuCash. Please tell me
what I need to do to be able to access my data again.
From: Bruce Schuck
Sent: 27 February 2022 22:54
To: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Cc: James Edmunds
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade to GC 2.6.19 and Finance:Quote 1.51
> From: James Edmunds
> I have just upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.
Add "export PERL5LIB=/home/perl5/lib/perl5" to your "~/.bashrc" file and
"PERL5LIB=/home/perl5/lib/perl5" to /etc/gnucash/environment. Log out
and back in that try gnc-fq-check.
gnucash-user mailing list
To update yo
From: James Edmunds
I have just upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.
FYI - Ubuntu 22.04LTS will be released in April.
I then wished to install the latest version of FQ. The command
?gnc-fq-update ? is not included in Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04. So I
searched the internet for an alternative com
I have just upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04.
In 16.04 I used Gnucash 2.6.12 and F:Q 1.49 . Note F:Q 1.49 was not packaged
with 16.04.
In 18.04 I have Gnucash 2.6.19
I uploaded stock prices in gnucash and noticed the prices for British stocks
were overstated by a factor of 100 . Confusion
Hey John,
What I meant was in the Finder menu, click on go, then open the
Applications option. When I did that, the DMG of the app was there, not the
Of note, I did drag the program file from the folder that opened when I
clicked on the DMG, not the DMG itself. I did that several times. W
> On Oct 4, 2021, at 5:03 PM, Gerry Starnes wrote:
> Re: Gnucash on Mac OS Big Sur
> I recently upgraded from 3.7 to 4.7. I downloaded the DMG, opened it and
> there were several files, including the Gnucash program. I dragged the
> program file directly into the Go > Applications directory
Re: Gnucash on Mac OS Big Sur
I recently upgraded from 3.7 to 4.7. I downloaded the DMG, opened it and
there were several files, including the Gnucash program. I dragged the
program file directly into the Go > Applications directory and it ran. The
problem is that it is still connected to the Gnuca
I did not make any modifications directly. I have no idea of the details of
what is modified by the system updater but I tend to let the updates pile
up for a few weeks, run the install and reboot (if there are low level
updates). This update of gnucash was in fact an unexpected side effect of
an u
Hello again,
forget my previous mail. I mixed up the release and the nightlies. The
release got the 3.38 runtime, which was already in use almost a half
year in the nightlies – without complains.
There must be another reason. Did you by chance delete something in
~/.var/app or another place menti
Hello Dale,
it seems most of the points are based on the loss of your previous settings.
The Gnome devs tricked us here by offering a platform 40 as successor of
3.38. You can think, 40 is the successor of 38, that should be a minor
ungrade. But in fact it goes from 3.x to 40, a major jump with c
My install was upgraded this week (flathub) from gnucash 4.4 to 4.5 on
Linux Mint 20.
I think some of these have been reported by others.
1. First gnucash opened as though I was a new user and needed a new account
setup. I was able to stop this and get to the file menu and my last
saved version. Th
Thanks very much. I will look at setting up a similar arrangement.
> On 11 April 2021 at 02:09 w...@theprescotts.com wrote:
> Just to provide another example, my upgrade strategy on Mac OS ...
> 1. Download the new version.
> 2. Double click on the .dmg file.
> 2. Copy the .app file
Just to provide another example, my upgrade strategy on Mac OS ...
1. Download the new version.
2. Double click on the .dmg file.
2. Copy the .app file to a folder within the folder where I keep all the
versions. Currently the folder contains
Hi Peter,
I've never actually needed the backup file but you never know :-)
Cheers David H.
On Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 16:39, Peter Williamson wrote:
> Hi David
> Thanks for your very clear answer. It is very much appreciated.
> Peter
> On 10 April 2021 at 18:02 David H wrote:
> My upgra
Hi David
Thanks for your very clear answer. It is very much appreciated.
> On 10 April 2021 at 18:02 David H wrote:
> My upgrade strategy on Windows is always the same and has never caused
> any problems...
> 1. Backup your Gnucash data file.
> 2. Download new Gnucash
My upgrade strategy on Windows is always the same and has never caused any
1. Backup your Gnucash data file.
2. Download new Gnucash file and double click on it to start the process.
3. Let Gnucash uninstall the current version and then install the new
version - no need to do the unins
I have a very basic question; it reflects my computing level.
I am currently using Gnucash V4.4 on a Windows 10 computer and want to upgrade
to the latest version on the same computer.
I have read the upgrade information on Nabble but was unable to decide whether
the best method is to just inst
Hello Michael,
Am 18.01.21 um 20:41 schrieb John Ralls:
> On Jan 18, 2021, at 9:58 AM, W. Michael Schoel wrote:
>> I have no appreciation of the effort required but it would be nice if
>> GnuCash fully adopted the Portable and AppImage approach.
what is wrong with Flatpak, see https://wiki.gn
Thanks for the kind words, but please remember to copy the list on all replies.
John Ralls
> On Jan 18, 2021, at 9:58 AM, W. Michael Schoel wrote:
> Dear John
> Thanks for your help and that from the rest of Gnucash, I am a strong
> supporter of the open source community ( I prefer
> On Jan 15, 2021, at 3:24 PM, W. Michael Schoel via gnucash-user
> wrote:
> I am presently using GnuCash Portable 2.6.19 on win-10 and am attempting to
> upgrade to GnuCash Portable 4.4 which is already installed and with the
> accounts transferred from the older version. The accounts ar
I am presently using GnuCash Portable 2.6.19 on win-10 and am attempting to
upgrade to GnuCash Portable 4.4 which is already installed and with the
accounts transferred from the older version. The accounts are all empty and all
my attempts to transfer the entry data have failed. I am concerned t
From the Wiki FAQ:
"Important: When moving from one major release to another, you are
advised to run "Check & Repair" when opening the file for the first time
in the new release. Specifically when running it after moving to a new
major release, it may address data format issues that t
2020 19:37
To: gnucash-u...@lists.gnucash.org
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade from version 2 to version 4
The upgrade process is outlined here:
You'll want to first upgrade to a 2.6 release, likely 2.6.21 as i
The upgrade process is outlined here:
You'll want to first upgrade to a 2.6 release, likely 2.6.21 as it was
the last 2.6 version and can read 3.0 files in case you have to step back.
After the upgrade, op
On 8/14/20 5:30 AM, br...@bmckernan.co.uk wrote:
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4.
I need to do exactly the same thing. Version 2.4.x to Version 4; once
there is stability and a well worn pathway. The last (3) years of data,
has not been entered, due
You didn't say which version '2' you upgraded from. Let's say it was 2.4.x
The supported upgrade path would be: 2.4.x -> 2.6.x -> 3.0 -> 4.0 (the
scheme changed with 3.0)
Skipping versions (such as 2.4 ---> 4.0) is not supported.
You should also perform Actions > Check & Repair > Check & Repa
Fellow gnucash users
I have just upgraded from version 2 to version 4. All seems to have went
well until I saw that no deposits have been transferred to version 4 since
August 2016. This has a knock on effect on the reconciliations. I record
every transaction faithfully each day and reconciled
On Thu, June 11, 2020 10:57 am, Stan Brown wrote:
> Thanks for the advice, which I'll follow.
> I imagine that I should open each of my files in 3.x before proceeding
> with the upgrade to 4.x; am I right? (That's after making backups, of
> course.)
Considering there is no 4.x, and the curr
Thanks for the advice, which I'll follow.
I imagine that I should open each of my files in 3.x before proceeding
with the upgrade to 4.x; am I right? (That's after making backups, of
Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA
On 2020-06-1
Op donderdag 11 juni 2020 06:27:39 CEST schreef Stan Brown:
> Can I suggest some indication of why one might want to use the Notes
> field? Until this thread I didn't even know it existed. (And I'm still
> on 2.6.19 also. I figure I'll upgrade directly to 4.0.)
I'll reply to your side remark her
Thanks Frank.
On 2/20/20 4:41 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
Hello Les,
did you read https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Flatpak?
Am 20.02.20 um 22:32 schrieb Les:
I am currently using Linux Mint 19.1 and GC 2.6.19 and I am wondering if
I can upgrade to 3.8 using flatpak?
Hello Les,
did you read https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Flatpak?
Am 20.02.20 um 22:32 schrieb Les:
> I am currently using Linux Mint 19.1 and GC 2.6.19 and I am wondering if
> I can upgrade to 3.8 using flatpak?
> Thanks,
> Les
I am currently using Linux Mint 19.1 and GC 2.6.19 and I am wondering if
I can upgrade to 3.8 using flatpak?
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
That package was for building from source.
If you want .deb files to install, one user is graciously packing them and
making them publicly available via Dropbox found in this thread:
Follow the instructions in t
I downloaded and unpacked gnucash-3.7.tar.gz, but now I don't know what
to do with the resulting folder - there is no install shell thingie.
How do I proceed? I have 3.6 running now. (Linux Mint 19.3). thanks -
gnucash-user mailing list
On Mon, September 9, 2019 4:24 am, Charles Peter Avery wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using Ver 3.5 and looking to upgrade to Ver 3.7. Would you be able
> to
> point me to the documentation for the upgrade process please?
You don't say what OS/Distro you are using. But to get from 3.5 to 3.7
I am using Ver 3.5 and looking to upgrade to Ver 3.7. Would you be able to
point me to the documentation for the upgrade process please?
Charles Avery
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription p
On 4/15/19 12:04 PM, Elmar wrote:
> And it all worked perfectly, both the upgrade to Mint 19 and the
> upgrade to GC 3.5 :) Thanks all for the hand holding.
> On 4/15/19 1:01 PM, Elmar wrote:
>> Thanks. Now to check to see if I can retain all my reports and my
>> online signing data for account
And it all worked perfectly, both the upgrade to Mint 19 and the upgrade
to GC 3.5 :) Thanks all for the hand holding.
On 4/15/19 1:01 PM, Elmar wrote:
Thanks. Now to check to see if I can retain all my reports and my
online signing data for account downloads ... or how to find and
restore i
On 4/15/19 9:30 AM, Elmar wrote:
> Got them, thanks. But "all at once"? In which order? - Elmar
I use: sudo apt install ./*gnucash*3.5*.deb
Let apt install sort out the order. However, I suspect common goes in
first, then python and then amd64.
> On 4/15/19 12:18 PM, Stephen M. Butler w
Thanks. Now to check to see if I can retain all my reports and my
online signing data for account downloads ... or how to find and restore
it as opposed to recreating everything.
On 4/15/19 12:45 PM, Colin Law wrote:
All in one command, if you put them in a folder by themselves then use
All in one command, if you put them in a folder by themselves then use
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019, 17:38 Elmar, wrote:
> Got them, thanks. But "all at once"? In which order? - Elmar
> On 4/15/19 12:18 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
> > On 4/15/19 5:39 AM, Elmar wrote:
> >> Downloa
Got them, thanks. But "all at once"? In which order? - Elmar
On 4/15/19 12:18 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
On 4/15/19 5:39 AM, Elmar wrote:
Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the gdebi
installer and got an red error bar saying "Error:Dependency is not
satisfiable: gnu
Good to know, thanks for the hard work!
> On Apr 15, 2019, at 4:23 PM, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
> On 4/15/19 7:29 AM, Elmar wrote:
>> I just saw the reply that it was built for Mint 19.x, not 18.x..
>> *sigh* I guess I have to upgrade my Mint.
>> On 4/15/19 8:45 AM, Colin
On 4/15/19 7:29 AM, Elmar wrote:
> I just saw the reply that it was built for Mint 19.x, not 18.x..
> *sigh* I guess I have to upgrade my Mint.
> On 4/15/19 8:45 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 13:42, Elmar wrote:
>>> Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the
On 4/15/19 5:39 AM, Elmar wrote:
> Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the gdebi
> installer and got an red error bar saying "Error:Dependency is not
> satisfiable: gnucash-common (=1:3.5)" I'm running Mint 18.3 with the
> Mate desktop, btw.
> How to proceed? - Elmar
An alternative is to build it from source.
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 15:29, Elmar wrote:
> I just saw the reply that it was built for Mint 19.x, not 18.x.. *sigh*
> I guess I have to upgrade my Mint.
> On 4/15/19 8:45 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> > On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 13:42, Elmar wrote:
I just saw the reply that it was built for Mint 19.x, not 18.x.. *sigh*
I guess I have to upgrade my Mint.
On 4/15/19 8:45 AM, Colin Law wrote:
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 13:42, Elmar wrote:
Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the gdebi
installer and got an red error bar sa
I could be mistaken, but I think his .deb is built against Ubuntu 18.04 which
would be Mint 19/19.1, not 18.3. (which is based on Ubuntu 16.04) If the 3.5
.deb *should* work on a 16.04 base, then there might also be an issue with Mint
having some packages in a held state for stability reasons or
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 at 13:42, Elmar wrote:
> Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the gdebi
> installer and got an red error bar saying "Error:Dependency is not
> satisfiable: gnucash-common (=1:3.5)" I'm running Mint 18.3 with the
> Mate desktop, btw.
Where did you downlo
Downloaded gnucash_3.5_amd64.deb, and tried to install via the gdebi
installer and got an red error bar saying "Error:Dependency is not
satisfiable: gnucash-common (=1:3.5)" I'm running Mint 18.3 with the
Mate desktop, btw.
How to proceed? - Elmar
Thanks Ian. Spot on!
On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 5:12 PM Ian K via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
> Tony,
> I recently ugraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5 on Windows 10 and had to locate the
> saved reports. I'll tell you what I did.
> On my system this was a file called "saved-repor
I recently ugraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5 on Windows 10 and had to locate the
saved reports. I'll tell you what I did.
On my system this was a file called "saved-reports-2.4", which was located
C:\users\USERNAME\.gnucash where USERNAME is the current user.
I copied this file to:
On 4/12/19 12:19 AM, Manfred Usselmann wrote:
> Am 11.04.2019 00:00, schrieb Stephen M. Butler:
>> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
>> from:
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=11gjnSIw9E8B8kOJ01DHQuEA83xidbw8E for
>> the 3.5 version.
> Thanks a lo
2019, at 10:35 AM, Elmar wrote:
> On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org wrote: Date: Tue, 9 Apr
> 2019 14:21:15 -0500
> From: Adrien Monteleone
> To: GnuCash
> Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
> Message-ID: <1fee796e-cc28-49a2-b975-8faf5425f...@lusfib
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 at 23:03, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
> ...
> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
> from:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=11gjnSIw9E8B8kOJ01DHQuEA83xidbw8E for
> the 3.5 version.
I think whether that works might depend on which version of
> *From:* Tony Vanson
> *To:* Michael Hendry
> *Cc:* aeg ; "gnucash-user@gnucash.org" <
> gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 10:58
> *Subject:* Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
> I've just upgraded from
On 4/10/19 6:06 PM, Elmarts wrote:
> Stephen M. Butler wrote
>> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
>> from:
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=11gjnSIw9E8B8kOJ01DHQuEA83xidbw8E for
>> the 3.5 version.
> Downloaded! Now, if I click on the deb and install with th
Stephen M. Butler wrote
> Or, if your distro is Ubuntu based, you can download the *.deb files
> from:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=11gjnSIw9E8B8kOJ01DHQuEA83xidbw8E for
> the 3.5 version.
Downloaded! Now, if I click on the deb and install with the gdebi
installer, will it automagically t
>> On Apr 10, 2019, at 10:35 AM, Elmar wrote:
>> On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org wrote:
>>> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
>>> From: Adrien Monteleone
>>> To: GnuCash
>>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3
Thank you for your input; I've just downloaded 3.5.1 and I'll prepare to take
the plunge!
From: Tony Vanson
To: Michael Hendry
Cc: aeg ; "gnucash-user@gnucash.org"
Sent: Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 10:58
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Read the section about where to find USER_DATA_HOME on your OS.
Find the saved reports in the location listed to be used in version 2.6 and
then move them to the new location now used in 3.x and rename the file
accordingly. (I seem to recall
019, at 10:35 AM, Elmar wrote:
> On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
>> From: Adrien Monteleone
>> To: GnuCash
>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
>> Message-ID: <1fee796e-cc28-49a2-
On 4/10/19 11:15 AM, gnucash-user-requ...@gnucash.org wrote:
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
From: Adrien Monteleone
To: GnuCash
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Message-ID: <1fee796e-cc28-49a2-b975-8faf5425f...@lusfiber.net>
Content-Type: text/plain;??? charset=us-ascii
It would greatly help my few remaining brain cells if specific location
advice is available. Waded through a lot of the Wiki but unfortunately made
no sense to me.
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 6:20 PM Adrien Monteleone <
adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> The storage locations for some it
The storage locations for some items moved between versions. I think saved
reports are affected. Take a look at the wiki. You likely just need to copy
them to the new location.
> On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:57 AM, Tony Vanson wrote:
> I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Wi
I've just upgraded from 2.6.21 to 3.5.1 for Windows 10. The upgrade
performed seamlessly with only one problem so far, it seems to have lost my
Saved Report Configurations from the previous version. Not too big a deal
as it's easily created again, or maybe someone has an idea if I'm looking
in the
> On 10 Apr 2019, at 08:21, aeg via gnucash-user
> wrote:
> I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before 3.5
> or is another intermediate step recommended?
> Kind regards,Alan
For what it’s worth, I can report no file incompatibility problems in making
the trans
I am currently using version 2.6.16 so should I upgrade to 2.6.21 before 3.5 or
is another intermediate step recommended?
Kind regards,Alan
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
From: Adrien Monteleone
To: GnuCash
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Got it. Thanks, Roger
Message: 6
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 14:21:15 -0500
From: Adrien Monteleone
To: GnuCash mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> >
Subject: Re: [GNC] Upgrade 2.6.18 to 3.5
Message-ID: <1fee796e-cc28-49a2-b975-8faf5425f...@lusfiber.net
I think it was originally recommended to update to 2.6.19 or 2.6.21 first.
(2.6.20 and .21 were snap fix releases for some critical problems with 2.6.19
which was originally intended to be the *last* of the 2.6 series)
> On Apr 9, 2019, at 1:54 PM, wrote:
> "The main time y
"The main time you may strike problems is in the initial switch between
major versions e.g. from 2.6 to V3." Any problems updating from v 2.6.18?
Thanks, Roger
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2019 05:56:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: David Cousens mailto:davidcous...@bigpond.com> >
To: gnucash-user@gnucas
Never email developers directly unless expressly invited to do so. Always use
the mailing lists.
Also don't hijack threads. When you have a new topic use a new email, not a
The download links are in the announcement and the latest is always in the top
box at https://www.gnucash.org.
Try downloading the file again to a different location. GNUCash will
uninstall older versions first then install new version, back-up your file
first the try manual uninstall via programs.
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-User-f1415819.html
I just decided to finally upgrade and although I was able to download,I keep
getting the following error. "Gnucash.exe - entry point not found" the
procedure entry point inflateValidate could not be located in the dynamic link
library C:\program files(x86)\gnucash\bin\libpng16-16.dll. when I se
> On 29 Jan 2019, at 18:50, John Ralls wrote:
> I just uploaded a new Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg to both SourceForge and
> Github with a re-signed app. It validates successfully for me but I got a
> different spctl error from Michael's.
> I've also updated the SHA-256 (which changed anyway
I just uploaded a new Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg to both SourceForge and Github
with a re-signed app. It validates successfully for me but I got a different
spctl error from Michael's.
I've also updated the SHA-256 (which changed anyway with the re-sign) and the
filename in both places.
It seems the 256 Hashes listed don’t include 2.6.21-3, only -2.
If you click the “i” on the right of the download count (you need full JS
turned on to see it) you get a pop-up with SHA1 and MD5 hashes which do verify.
But I too tried downloading this earlier and MacOS told me it was damaged.
Switch to digest mode is one option.
> On Jan 29, 2019, at 12:35 PM, Jason Voss wrote:
> How do I stop getting buried in all these emails by any method other than
> unsubscribing?
> Jason Voss
gnucash-user mailing li
How do I stop getting buried in all these emails by any method other than
Jason Voss
“You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and
independence.” – Abraham Lincoln
On Tuesday, January 29, 2019, 2:54:42 AM CST, Geert Janssens
> On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:45 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:08 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
>>> On 29 Jan 2019, at 16:54, Michael Hendry wrote:
>>> Progress notes on upgrade:
>>> I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg this morning and
>>> dragged-and-dropped
> On 29 Jan 2019, at 17:45, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:08 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
>>> On 29 Jan 2019, at 16:54, Michael Hendry wrote:
>>> Progress notes on upgrade:
>>> I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg this morning and
>>> dragged-and-dropped Gnuc
> On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:08 AM, Michael Hendry wrote:
>> On 29 Jan 2019, at 16:54, Michael Hendry wrote:
>> Progress notes on upgrade:
>> I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg this morning and dragged-and-dropped
>> Gnucash.app into my Applications folder after renaming the earlier
> On 29 Jan 2019, at 16:54, Michael Hendry wrote:
> Progress notes on upgrade:
> I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg this morning and dragged-and-dropped
> Gnucash.app into my Applications folder after renaming the earlier version.
> The verification failed when I tried to run the Ap
Progress notes on upgrade:
I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-2.6.21-3.dmg this morning and dragged-and-dropped
Gnucash.app into my Applications folder after renaming the earlier version.
The verification failed when I tried to run the App.
I downloaded Gnucash-Intel-3.4-1.dmg also, and went through t
Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 17:38:54 CET schreef John Ralls:
> > On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:24 AM, Geert Janssens
> > wrote:>
> > Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 17:19:59 CET schreef John Ralls:
> >>> On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:03 AM, Geert Janssens
> >>> wrote:>
> >>>
> >>> Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 15:28:01
> On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:24 AM, Geert Janssens
> wrote:
> Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 17:19:59 CET schreef John Ralls:
>>> On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:03 AM, Geert Janssens
>>> wrote:>
>>> Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 15:28:01 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> I'm curious: what are the names of
Very well, my memory is faulty, I defer to you. I don’t recall how I managed
> On Jan 29, 2019, at 10:19 AM, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:03 AM, Geert Janssens
>> wrote:
>> Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 15:28:01 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 17:19:59 CET schreef John Ralls:
> > On Jan 29, 2019, at 8:03 AM, Geert Janssens
> > wrote:>
> > Op dinsdag 29 januari 2019 15:28:01 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> >>> I'm curious: what are the names of the two directories that were created
> >>> ?
> >>> Or in other w
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