Re: [GNC] UI question about 2.6...

2021-02-16 Thread Geert Janssens
GnuCash 2.6 is indeed wy back to my memory is fuzzy. Luckily our wiki comse to the rescue: Short summary, In Gtk2 your system can define how a toolbar is rendered. Perhaps CentOS and Ubuntu have different preferences on that. You can however override this

Re: [GNC] UI question about 2.6...

2021-02-15 Thread Adrien Monteleone
I thought that change was made in the move to 3.x, but perhaps the UI was affected for the final releases of 2.6 as well. One of the early 3.x versions switched back to showing both text and buttons. Perhaps consider trying the Flatpak version. That way you can move up to the current 4.4. Re

Re: [GNC] UI question about 2.6...

2021-02-14 Thread David Carlson
Robert, I just fired up a copy of release 2.6.18 in Ubuntu 18.04. I did notice that there are mouse fly-over descriptions for toolbar icons. I did not find that option to show text with the icons, which I thought was still there. One other possibility would be to check out Gnome Tweaks, but I d

[GNC] UI question about 2.6...

2021-02-14 Thread Robert Heller
I recently upgraded my OS from CentOS 6.10 to Ubuntu 18.04 and thus from GNUCash 2.4 to GNUCash 2.6. With GNUCash 2.6, the toolbar only has images for most of the tools. GNUCash 2.4 had a preference setting to display both text and images, but that preference seems to be missing in GNUCash 2.6