So I have now uninstalled 3.7 and installed the 3.9 flatpak. The Aqbanking
is now working but I am unable to access the mysql backend either with
"localhost" or "". On 3.7 (build from source) the mysql backend
and Aqbanking both work fine.
Mint 19.3
Flatpak 1.7.1
GnuCash Version: 3.9
Op vrijdag 20 maart 2020 06:27:32 CEST schreef David Cousens:
> Tom
> AFAIK Flathub only has the v3.8 available as a download. I don't think the
> GnuCash developers don't maintain the flathub versions.
I do maintain the flathub version of gnucash.
However flathub limits the available versio
AFAIK Flathub only has the v3.8 available as a download. I don't think the
GnuCash developers don't maintain the flathub versions.
The other alternative is to build GnuCash from the sources. On Linux Mint
this is fairly easy to do once you have the dependencies installed. The Wiki
page https:
Please tell me where/how I can find a downlevel (3.7) version in a flatpak?
Tom B.
Sent from:
gnucash-user mailing list
To update your subscription
There is a proble in version 3.8 as a result of recent changes in a
dependency (AQbanking). See recent posts in archive for more info. It will
be fixed in v3.9 due out soon or go back to v3.7 until 3.9 is released.
David Cousens
David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.
System -
Linux Mint 19.3
GnuCash 3.8-7 flatpak
GnuCash 2.6.19 conventional install via software manager
data files both flat file (XML) and MySQL database (MariaDB 10.3.22)
Both GnuCash versions 2.6.19 and 3.8-7 successfully access and manipulate
content of either flat file or database file.