Re: [GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-20 Thread Adrien Monteleone
You shouldn’t need to have separate accounts for each. Since you can specify the source using the description, notes, or memo, you can run reports showing the info you need to determine the source of any funds. It is usually rare to need special accounts for singular purposes, general accounts u

[GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-20 Thread Art Chimes
Thanks all who replied, and so quickly, too. I think Dale pretty much nailed it, about over-thinking the problem. Or perhaps more accurately, failing to think about it in a new (gnu?) way. Since the interest payments originated with the asset (the CD), I assumed that the payments should first appe

Re: [GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-18 Thread Dale Alspach
Perhaps you are over-thinking this. I would create an income account with a name such as "CD interest". Each month create a transaction Credit CD interest $x Debit Checking $x where $x is the amount of interest paid for the month. Dale On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 11:06 PM Art Chimes I have been tryi

Re: [GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-18 Thread David Cousens
Art, The transaction is pretty simple Debit Credit Asset :Bank:Checking Income:InterestCD Where under the Income top level account the account to record the interest should be locate

Re: [GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-18 Thread Adrien Monteleone
Art, Welcome to GnuCash! Someone more familiar with your exact scenario can help you better, but do you need to record the interest in the CD account at all? Unless there is a time delay between when it is earned and deposited I’d just record the transaction between an income account and the c

[GNC] How-to question: CD Interest payments deposited in a different account

2019-02-18 Thread Art Chimes
I have been trying to learn GnuCash for several months now, and I am apparently dumber than I thought. I am pretty good at keeping my checking account, but I find more complex actions more challenging. For example, I bought a CD (cert. of deposit) last year, and it resides in my brokerage account.