On Sun, 9 Oct 2022 09:30:23 +0100
Eric Coates writes:
> There's a lot of people involved! Thanks to all of them
The author list is created by grabbing every contributor to the GitHub
repo with at least 2 commits. Some of those commits could be minor such
as correcting a typo in documentation.
There's a lot of people involved! Thanks to all of them
On 09/10/2022 02:35, Bruce Schuck wrote:
New version 1.52 (*sic*) of Finance-Quote is available with the
following changes:
gnucash-user mailing list
New version 1.52 of Finance-Quote is available with the following changes:
* dist.ini - changed bugtracker.web to
* DWS.pm - Set $info{$symbol, 'symbol'} to $symbol.
* Union.pm - #231 - reworked for a differen