The overall methodology is the same although the calculation of the unrealized
gain or loss is slightly different from the example - there is no external
valuation just recording a stock price. A new valuation of a painting is
essentially the same as a change in an updated stock price stock
On 6/23/2022 8:48 PM, Gao Bite wrote:
GnuCash developers & Maintainers:
Hello! I have found several issues when I am reading your "Tutorial
and Concepts Guide". When I reads methods in the 11th chapter,I have
found that its example is based on non-fungible asset like painting.
However, what I
The concept of capital gains is the same, whether you're talking about a
painting or a stock. The difference between your purchase and your sale price
is the gain or loss. The only trick to consider for stocks is that different
lots of stock purchases can have different cost bases, which obvious
GnuCash developers & Maintainers:
Hello! I have found several issues when I am reading your "Tutorial and
Concepts Guide". When I reads methods in the 11th chapter,I have found
that its example is based on non-fungible asset like painting. However,
what I am expecting is that records capital g