"After that, you have to start GnuCash first, then use File > Open to choose
your book. You can't double-click a GnuCash file to open it."
To amplify or clarify Adrien's comment on opening Gnucash under MacOS. When I
double click on a Gnucash file, it does start Gnucash, but it opens the last
Did you solve this?
It sounds like you might be running GnuCash from inside the DMG.
Be sure to copy the GnuCash.app from the DMG window to your Applications
folder via Finder. (that is, open another Finder window set to
Applications and then drag & drop the icon from the DMG to the
I have Gnucash 4.6 installed on a Mac running Big Sur version 11.5. I used the
New Account Hierarchy setup to set up my accounts, and that looks great. But,
when I open Gnucash it still opens to that screen - the Initial GnuCash
setup.gnucash - Accounts - GnuCash. It doesn't open to th